It is the longest, most-expected parking of tanks upon a lawn. Google’s announcement that it will introduce an operating system for computers, the long-anticipated “GoogleOS” – though it prefers to call “Google Chrome OS” – means that the irresistible force of the online world is going to go head-to-head with the immovable object of personal computing.Observers have been expecting Google to launch its “Google OS” literally for years. But the search giant has held back, denying any such plans. But the launch last year of its Android operating system for mobile phones made it clear that its intent was broader than just search. see:Google targets Microsoft with new operating system
Google has issued its clearest challenge to rival Microsoft so far, by announcing its plans to create a new computer operating system aimed at laptop users.The Californian internet company said it is working on a lightweight system that is based on the Chrome web browser it launched last year. Chrome, Hints of a Real Rival to Windows
If at times you’re frustrated with your PC — and who isn’t? — Google says it is working on a solution.Many people easily lose patience with PCs that are slow to start up and prone to crashing, vulnerable to virus attacks and constantly in need of fiddly updates. Hoping to turn that irritation to its advantage, Google is developing an operating system — the underlying software that handles the most basic functions of a computer.
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