When Walt Disney said it would start streaming shows via online video site Hulu, attention immediately turned to what the deal means for Hulu rival YouTube as well as for CBS, the only major network outside Hulu’s orbit.The Disney-Hulu content-sharing arrangement may have even bigger implications for a company that neither creates video content nor distributes it free online: Apple. It’s not hard to gauge the impact of the Disney-Hulu deal on Google’s YouTube and CBS, owner of TV.com. Both companies are locked in a battle with Hulu over online video viewers and the revenue from ads that run in conjunction with that programming. The more programming available on Hulu, the more time Web users are likely to spend on that site.
http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/apr2009/tc20090430_237972.htmABC to Add Its Shows to Videos on Hulu
Under a deal unveiled Thursday with the Walt Disney Company, Hulu says it will add ABC shows like “Desperate Housewives” to its Web site by late summer, pending regulatory approval.ABC Enterprises, a unit of the Walt Disney Company, announced Thursday that it would join NBC Universal, which is owned by General Electric and Vivendi, and the News Corporation, owner of Fox, as a partner in the joint venture.
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