What Could You Do With Your Own Root Server? – CaveBear Blog by Karl Auerbach

And I mean by this, suppose you had one of the [A-M].root-servers.org addresses? What could you do? – Probably a lot more than you think. You could make a lot of people angry; you could make a smaller number people very angry; and you could really hose a number of selected targets. Please read this note with a bit of humor – it is not intended to be a deep study, perfect in all details. Rather, it is merely the result of a bit of conjecture about what might be possible.

What Could You Do With Your Own Root Server? – CaveBear Blog by Karl Auerbach
And I mean by this, suppose you had one of the [A-M].root-servers.org addresses? What could you do? – Probably a lot more than you think. You could make a lot of people angry; you could make a smaller number people very angry; and you could really hose a number of selected targets. Please read this note with a bit of humor – it is not intended to be a deep study, perfect in all details. Rather, it is merely the result of a bit of conjecture about what might be possible.

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