Web push derails Europe telecoms reform to make internet access a human right

A last-gasp push by European lawmakers to have internet access established as an inalienable human right has derailed a sweeping package of telecoms reform.The push for Europeans to have a new “right” to access the web – which would make it harder for authorities to cut off illegal file-sharers – is likely to be blocked by national capitals before it becomes law. But the move by parliamentarians on Wednesday will also shelve a much wider package of telecom legislation.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0d3925d4-3a69-11de-8a2d-00144feabdc0.htmlEU parliament blocks telecoms reforms
European mobile operators cheered as the threat of more stringent scrutiny from Brussels was scuppered on Wednesday over an arcane dispute about the human rights of internet users.Ambitious plans from the European Commission to overhaul EU telecoms regulation were unexpectedly turned down by the European parliament.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ed7b5188-3a4d-11de-8a2d-00144feabdc0.htmlEU Parliament approves law ensuring Internet access as a fundamental right
The right of an individual to access the Internet is equivalent to the right to free speech, in a European bill that now faces a skeptical Telecoms Council.


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