Wanda.com Beats Off Short Domains To Top Weekly Chart

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Wanda.com sold for $83,817 through NameJet to top the Domain Name Journal chart of top reported domain name sales for the week ending 1 December, beating out brgroup.com ($30,000 through Sedo) and a pair of 3 letter domains – uml.com and ast.net – which surprisingly particularly in the case of the former sold for $21,400 and $20,000 through NameJet and Uniregistry respectively.

As usual .com dominated the top-level domains with 16 on the top 20 chart with one each for .net, .co, .shop and .ai. For the aftermarket outlets there were NameJet took out 8 sales, Sedo 6, Uniregistry 4 and SnapNames 2.

To check out the Domain Name Journal chart of top reported sales for the week ending 1 December in more detail, see: http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2019/20191211.htm