Volkswagen wins court order against Denic

The higher regional court of Frankfurt has forced the central German registry the place Domains Denic, to assign to the Volkswagen company the (non-standard-conformal DE-Domain) Denic had also before rejected this and with the own assignment guidelines and possibly problems from the two digit Domain name when allocating had been justified.

The judges lead a requirement of Volkswagen on the Domain off the Verweigerng worth it from the cartel law as “essentially not justified discrimination opposite other competitors like e.g. the Bavarian engine works (BMW), which” arise” in the Internet under the Domain “, like on-line service” Webhosting and right ” from the grounds (Az.: 11 U 32/04) quotes. The higher regional court does not have a revision certified, on the other hand the Denic inserted complaint.

Does this mean in the near future Denic will be giving up two letter domain names to every large Corporation ?

To read the article further :,1518,560403,00.html