US Senators propose labels for adult Web sites
Operators of web sites with racy content must label their sites and register in a national directory or be fined, according to a new U.S. Senate proposal titled the Cyber Safety for Kids Act of 2007. The proposal includes the requirement for “embedding a new tag–such as
US Senators propose labels for adult Web sites
Operators of web sites with racy content must label their sites and register in a national directory or be fined, according to a new U.S. Senate proposal titled the Cyber Safety for Kids Act of 2007. The proposal includes the requirement for “embedding a new tag–such as –in all Web pages that the government deems unsuitable for minors.” Web sites with “harmful to minors” content on pages that are initially viewable to visitors must use the tag to be devised by the U.S. Department of Commerce or face civil fines. The federal government would be able to “shut down” noncompliant sites, but that portion is not actually in the bill. Another section of the Act would require the owner of any web site with adult content to say so when registering the domain with ICANN. The owner must also give ICANN the web site’s Internet Protocol address and other information. Naturally the proposal is going to run into problems with the ACLU stating “The labeling part of it is going to be constitutionally problematic.”