Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin is readying proposed guidelines for the upcoming auction of prime public airwaves that would require that the winning companies let consumers hook up any wireless device to the network.
http://www.latimes.com/technology/la-fi-fcc11jul11,1,3023753.storyAlso see:
Will the FCC’s Martin Really ‘Open’ the Airwaves?
Imagine our surprise this morning when we read that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin wants to transform the 700MHz band into a “truly open broadband network.”
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/timothy-karr/will-the-fccs-martin-rea_b_55696.htmlA New Path to Wireless Broadband
The 700MHz band can carry wireless data at DSL speeds – which is why many want to keep the telcos from hoarding it: Whoever thought a presidential candidate would make a big deal over the Federal Communications Commission handles the auction of radio spectrum? Yet Democrat John Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina, has come out in support of proposals to change the rules on how wireless spectrum is allocated when the FCC auctions off licenses to the 700MHz band later this year.