Under Pressure, Craigslist to Remove ‘Erotic’ Ads

Craigslist, the Web’s largest classified advertising site, said on Wednesday that it would close its erotic services category, which critics have said is a forum that fosters prostitution and other illegal activities.To replace it, the company has created a category called adult services, in which postings will be reviewed by employees who will look for indications of activity that is illegal or violates the site’s guidelines. The erotic services category would be deleted next Wednesday, Craigslist said.
http://nytimes.com/2009/05/14/technology/companies/14craigslist.htmlAlso see:Craigslist to close erotic services category
Pressure from US officials has forced classified advertising website Craigslist to pull the shutters down on its controversial sex adverts in favour of a new, closely-monitored system.In an announcement earlier today, Craigslist chief executive Jim Buckmaster said the site would be closing the “erotic services” category next week – an open messageboard described as “a blatant internet brothel” by one official.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/may/13/craigslist-erotic-servicesCraigslist drops erotic services ads after Brisman murder
The online classifieds website Craigslist has dropped its “erotic services” ads following a high-profile murder in which police say the killer used the website to find his victim.Craigslist bowed to pressure from law enforcement authorities in the United States and said it would replace it with an “adult services” section where the posts would be vetted by employees.
http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/the_web/article6284289.eceCraigslist to drop ‘erotic services’ classifieds [AP]
A month after the killing of a masseuse who advertised on Craigslist, the classified ad site announced plans Wednesday to eliminate its “erotic services” category and screen all submissions to a new “adult services” section before they are posted.Law enforcement officials praised the move as a victory against online prostitution, but they acknowledged doubts about whether the changes will curb the practice.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/8505990Official: Craigslist to replace ‘blatant Internet brothel’
Craigslist will replace its controversial online “erotic services” listings with a section where ads are individually checked by Craigslist employees before they are posted, according to Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal.The popular classified-ad Web site, which Blumenthal called “a blatant Internet brothel,” has been accused by law enforcement officials across the United States of promoting prostitution through its erotic ads.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/05/13/craigslist.sex.ads/Craigslist ditches erotic adverts
The US classified ads website Craigslist says it will remove its erotic services category, following claims it promotes prostitution.Law enforcement officials have said prostitutes and clients use the site for illegal sexual encounters.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8049101.stmCraigslist Caves, Agrees to Police Red Light District
In an abrupt about face, Craigslist has announced it will take down its “erotic services” ad category. In its place will be a new adult services section that will be screened by Craigslist staff before publication, according to a statement made by Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who is head of a multistate attorney general task force investigating the controversial issue. Craigslist apparently caved in to the demands for self-censorship despite myriad legal opinions that it was breaking no laws.


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