We have made a commitment to raising standards in the Internet industry. To achieve this, we are proposing to make a number of important changes to the terms of the registrar contract. The changes set out in this consultation paper will affect both registrars and registrants, so it is important that you tell us what you think.The consultation period has now been extended to 31 May 2006. If you have not already sent us a response we would really like to hear what you think.The consultation paper is available to download as a pdf file. Please send your response to standards-consultation@nominet.org.uk with the subject header ‘standards consultation’.We look forward to receiving your comments.The consultation responses will be published here. We reserve the right to remove any materials that in our reasonable opinion are defamatory, offensive or unintelligible.http://www.nominet.org.uk/news/latest/2006/?contentId=2737