uk: Call for more action against internet crime

Businesses should face penalties if they fail to protect individuals from internet crime, says a parliamentary report published on Friday.The House of Lords science and technology committee calls for internet service providers to take more responsibility for providing internet security – such as filtering “bad” traffic. It suggests software companies and hardware manufacturers should pay up if they supply products with security flaws.The committee also proposes introducing a law, similar to one in California, which requires businesses to notify consumers when personal information in their databases has been illegally accessed. see:
uk: Peers want crackdown on web’s ‘wild west’
The government and police must act to improve online security and stop the internet becoming a “playground of criminals”, a parliamentary committee warns today. A report from the House of Lords science and technology select committee accuses both business and government of creating an image of the net as a “wild west”, with millions of internet users unnecessarily exposed to crime. is becoming as lawless as the Wild West, report peers
The internet has become a playground for criminals in which highly specialised gangs steal money from bank accounts, according to a Parliamentary report published today.A huge underground economy is making a living from e-crime, which fuels the perception of the internet as a lawless “Wild West”, the peers report said.Millions of pounds are being lost by banks around the world as a result of online banking fraud, including £33.5 million lost by British banks last year. firms urged to tackle cyber “Wild West” [Reuters]
Internet companies, retailers and the government must do far more to protect people from the dangers of the “lawless Wild West” of cyberspace, an influential group of MPs said on Friday. In a critical report, the MPs said the government and industry have a “laissez-faire” approach to online crime that could lead to an “economically disastrous” loss of public confidence in the Internet. push for wide-ranging security improvements
Recommendations include the introduction of data security breach notification law in the UK,1000000189,39288491,00.htm

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