U.S. will allow EU citizens to sue over data privacy

President Barack Obama’s administration will push the U.S. Congress to enact legislation to give European Union citizens the right to sue in the United States if they think their private data has been released or misused, the U.S attorney general said on Wednesday.Allegations of vast U.S. spying programs have complicated EU-U.S. ties at a delicate moment in transatlantic relations as Brussels and Washington negotiate a free-trade pact that would encompass almost half the world’s economy.
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/06/25/uk-usa-europe-dataprotection-idUKKBN0F01OQ20140625Also see:US looks to allow EU citizens to sue over data privacy
The Obama administration is calling for legislation that would give European citizens the right to sue in the US if any of their private data was disclosed.

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