U.S. authorities unveiled criminal charges on Tuesday against six people in the U.S. and overseas that they described as important members of a computer hacking group that carried out a series of high-profile online attacks in recent years and stole confidential information from major companies.The charges are the latest development in a global crackdown on hackers who have undertaken denial-of-service attacks and computer breaches at corporations, banks and government affiliates. Computer hacking groups Anonymous and Lulz Security, a splinter group, have taken credit for many of the incidents.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203458604577265223832334802.htmlAlso seeLulzSec leader Sabu was working for us, says FBI
The FBI claims to have struck a major blow against internet hacking after arresting or charging five key members of the LulzSec hacking group and revealing that the head of the group, who went by the nickname “Sabu”, has been working for it since the middle of 2011.Hector Xavier Monsegur, known as Sabu, was charged with 12 criminal counts of conspiracy to engage in computer hacking and other crimes in court papers in Manhattan federal court, after secretly pleading guilty on August 15 to 12 counts of computer hacking conspiracies.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/mar/06/lulzsec-sabu-working-for-us-fbi‘Lulzsec hackers’ arrested in international swoop
Seven alleged hackers based in the US, UK and Republic of Ireland have been charged with crimes related to computer attacks said to have affected “over one million victims”.The FBI said that five of the men were involved in the group Lulzsec, while a sixth was a “member” of Antisec.It said that Lulzsec’s “leader” Hector Xavier Monsegur had pleaded guilty in August to 12 criminal charges.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17270822LulzSec Leader Turns Informant As Feds Arrest Key Members Of Hacking Group
Remember back last summer when LulzSec leader “Sabu” suddenly dropped off the grid after the arrest of several members of the Anonymous splinter group? Speculation at the time centered around whether he, too, had been swept up in the arrests. Turns out he indeed was nabbed by the feds, ultimately pleading guilty to hacking charges in August of 2011 and serving as an informant on his fellow LulzSec members, according to information released today by the FBI.Sabu, 28, who was identified by the FBI as Hector Xavier Monsegur, aka Sabu, Xavier DeLeon, and Leon, pled guilty to twelve counts of computing hacking conspiracies and other crimes, including the infamous hacks of HBGary Federal, HBGary, Sony, Fox, and PBS. An indictment filed with the Southern District of New York and released today identifies Monsegur as a so-called “rooter” or hacker who finds vulnerabilities in victims’ systems in order to hack them. The indictment says that between around December of 2010 and June 7, 2011, he both exploited them himself or passed them to others to do the same, and provided “infrastructure” to other hackers for launching attacks on victim networks — and also allegedly performed financial fraud.
www.darkreading.com/database-security/167901020/security/attacks-breaches/232602124/lulzsec-leader-turns-informant-as-feds-arrest-key-members-of-hacking-group.htmlLulzSec Hacking Suspects Are Arrested
An outspoken member of a loosely knit group of hackers that calls itself Lulz Security pleaded guilty to breaking into the computer systems of several prominent American companies, according to federal court papers unsealed Tuesday in New York.Hector Xavier Monsegur, who operated under the Twitter handle The Real Sabu, was charged with 12 criminal counts of hacking into unauthorized computers, the Justice Department said. He made his guilty plea in August and has apparently been cooperating with law enforcement officials for several months.
U.S. Swoops Down on Alleged Computer Hackers
U.S. authorities unveiled criminal charges on Tuesday against six people in the U.S. and overseas that they described as important members of a computer hacking group that carried out a series of high-profile online attacks in recent years and stole confidential information from major companies.