Twitter Founders Say They’re In for the Long Haul

On Tuesday night, two of Twitter’s co-founders, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, kicked off this year’s D: All Things Digital conference, run by The Wall Street Journal. The introductory spot is a prestigious one: in previous years both Steven P. Jobs and Bill Gates spoke on opening nights. To the Twitterholics in the crowd, the onstage interview was lacking in new information, but there were a few interesting nuggets.

On Tuesday night, two of Twitter’s co-founders, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, kicked off this year’s D: All Things Digital conference, run by The Wall Street Journal. The introductory spot is a prestigious one: in previous years both Steven P. Jobs and Bill Gates spoke on opening nights. To the Twitterholics in the crowd, the onstage interview was lacking in new information, but there were a few interesting nuggets.The Twitter founders said they did not want to sell the company and saw themselves running it five years from now. “We’re building Twitter and building an innovative company,” Mr. Stone said. “We are 100 percent into Twitter.” Mr. Williams, Twitter’s chief executive, said he was modeling the firm after Microsoft and Apple and was willing to navigate tough times to build a long-term business.

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