I’m waiting for the first big Twitter catastrophe. And if you think it came from the hackers who worked into the instant messaging site in January and gave away access to the live output of celebrity Twitterers – from Barack Obama to Britney Spears – you’d be wrong.The real disaster is going to come from the carpetbaggers and snake-oil medicine men who – on behalf of lazy brands and celebrities – are abasing the purity of Twitter, sullying the well of instant thoughts with blandishments, banalities, poor research and self-absorption.Many celebrities are employing agents, social media experts and others to filter their tweets (Twitter postings) to the point of pointlessness. Britney Spears is the prime example. They may be upfront about it, signing tweets with the words “Adam – Britney’s manager”, but if they think that letting the world know Britney has been to the movies with her dancers is exciting, or where Twitter is at, they’ve got another think coming. “Yes! This is the real Britney Spears!” announces the site proudly. No, it isn’t.
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