A panel of domain industry experts discussed domain revenue beyond pay-per-click this week morning at the TRAFFIC conference in New York. Panelists included Ofer Ronen, CEO of Sendori, Jonathan Boswell, CEO of LeaseThis.com, Anthony Pepper of Startup Capital, Sahar Sarid of Recall Media Group, Rick Latona, CEO of Offshoring.com, and Joe Alagna, GM of CentralNic. The general consensus was Google and Yahoo have a stranglehold on the industry. They could quickly turn off domain owner’s revenue. Domain owners need to find alternatives to Google and Yahoo’s pay-per-click services. These alternatives may actually generate more revenue than pay-per-click. There is a summary of what most panellists said. A couple of the more interesting comments were: Ofer Ronen of Sendori – instead of creating a landing page full of pay-per-click links, Sendori sends type-ins directly to an advertisers’ site, increase revenues compared to pay-per-click; and Jonathan Boswell of LeaseThis – domains rarely in hands of person who gets best benefit so LeaseThis links domains with clients for a specified period, e.g. Sony leased Vacancy.com during the launch of the movie Vacancy.
TRAFFIC: Beyond Pay-Per-Click
A panel of domain industry experts discussed domain revenue beyond pay-per-click this week morning at the TRAFFIC conference in New York. Panelists included Ofer Ronen, CEO of Sendori, Jonathan Boswell, CEO of LeaseThis.com, Anthony Pepper of Startup Capital, Sahar Sarid of Recall Media Group, Rick Latona, CEO of Offshoring.com, and Joe Alagna, GM of CentralNic. The general consensus was Google and Yahoo have a stranglehold on the industry. They could quickly turn off domain owner’s revenue. Domain owners need to find alternatives to Google and Yahoo’s pay-per-click services. These alternatives may actually generate more revenue than pay-per-click. There is a summary of what most panellists said. A couple of the more interesting comments were: Ofer Ronen of Sendori – instead of creating a landing page full of pay-per-click links, Sendori sends type-ins directly to an advertisers’ site, increase revenues compared to pay-per-click; and Jonathan Boswell of LeaseThis – domains rarely in hands of person who gets best benefit so LeaseThis links domains with clients for a specified period, e.g. Sony leased Vacancy.com during the launch of the movie Vacancy.