Trademark Clearinghouse Implementation Requires Decisions on Many Complex Questions

A Workshop on the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) was held at the ICANN meeting in Dakar, writes Philip Corwin on the Internet Commerce Association website. The workshop, Corwin notes, “revealed that implementation of the TMCH involves the resolution of multiple complex issues within a very short timeframe.”Corwin includes links to a presentation at the workshop that “includes timelines for both the development of TMCH implementation as well as its operation during new gTLD sunrise periods when trademark owners may secure domains matching their marks. The current plan is for one or more TMCH service providers to be selected by Spring 2012 and awarded initial contracts with 3-5 year terms, and for trademark owners and other rights holders to begin registering their names in the third quarter of 2012.”To read the rest of Philip Corwin’s report on the Trademark Clearinghouse Implementation, see: Implementation