Wang’s fate is shared by a growing number of cyber-dissidents around the globe. They are victims of governments who fear that the very technology needed to promote investment and economic competitiveness – the world wide web – also allows their citizens access to unprecedented power to make their voices heard.One year ago, Amnesty International launched the “” campaign to highlight the plight of these cyber-dissidents and to celebrate the people’s fight for freedom of expression even when the consequences are dire. For internet repression is rapidly expanding. According to the Open Net Initiative, five years ago serious and systematic internet filtering was applied by three countries: China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Today they have detected filtering in more than two dozen countries.Amnesty International is webcasting a discussion, Some People Think the Internet is a Bad Thing, from 18.30GMT on 6 June at see:
Censorship ‘changes face of net’
Amnesty International has warned that the internet “could change beyond all recognition” unless action is taken against the erosion of online freedoms.
The terrible growth of internet repression by Kate Allen, UK Director of Amnesty International
The Great Firewall of China prevents thousands of sites reaching people inside the country. Amnesty International is webcasting a discussion, Some People Think the Internet is a Bad Thing, from 18.30GMT on 6 June at