The new Web shows why they call it world wide

Masses of many nations are networking and creating user content their own way. Big companies find they have to localize their global footprint: For Japanese Internet users of all ages, Mixi has become a favorite place to network online. In France, Dailymotion draws a big audience for its user-generated videos. And in South Korea, Cyworld has long been a popular destination for teenagers who want to hang out. As the so-called Web 2.0 phenomenon represented by social media sites like these ripples around the world, new national champions have emerged. Social networking, video- and photo-sharing and blogging destinations are becoming the new hot properties.

Masses of many nations are networking and creating user content their own way. Big companies find they have to localize their global footprint: For Japanese Internet users of all ages, Mixi has become a favorite place to network online. In France, Dailymotion draws a big audience for its user-generated videos. And in South Korea, Cyworld has long been a popular destination for teenagers who want to hang out. As the so-called Web 2.0 phenomenon represented by social media sites like these ripples around the world, new national champions have emerged. Social networking, video- and photo-sharing and blogging destinations are becoming the new hot properties.,1,2796370.story

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