Telnic announces launch of two‐character and numeric‐only .TEL names

Telnic logo[news release] Telnic Limited, the Registry Operator for the .tel top level domain (TLD), today announced that the launch date for the upcoming release of short (two‐character) and numeric‐only .tel names would be 1st June 2011

Telnic logo[news release] Telnic Limited, the Registry Operator for the .tel top level domain (TLD), today announced that the launch date for the upcoming release of short (two‐character) and numeric‐only .tel names would be 1st June 2011.

The launch will consist of two phases:

  • Landrush ‐ A two‐week period commencing from Wednesday 1st June 2011 at 3 p.m. BST, which will enable any individual or business to secure a short or numeric‐only .tel name at a premium registration price.
  • General Availability ‐ From 3 p.m. BST on Tuesday 14th June 2011, at regular registration pricing.

The following strings will not be available for registration in this round:

Short domains

  • all one‐letter (from through to domains
  • all two‐character country code top level domains (ccTLDs, such as for example)

Numeric‐only domains

  • all single‐digit (from through to domains
  • all combinations of digits and/or digit and hyphen strings that contain eight or more characters (for example, or 123‐

All registrations will be on a first‐come, first served basis. As with existing .tel domain name registrations, commercial pricing will be set by ICANN‐accredited Registrars and their resellers.

General Availability pricing is anticipated to be similar to existing .tel registration costs. Registrations can be from one to ten years.

Further information regarding short and numeric‐only .tel names can be found at‐numeric‐only.html.

This Telnic news release was sourced from

Europe Registry logoTo register your .TEL domain name, check out Europe Registry here.