Tag: Vienna

  • Domain Pulse 2017 Conference Comes To Vienna In February

    There’s less than a month to go until this year’s Domain Pulse conference, this year to be held in the Austrian capital of Vienna, with plenty of networking, introductions to Austrian culture and even some discussions by day on challenges for the domain name industry, internet governance, data protection, cyberwar and cybercrime over the two days.This year’s conference will be held in the Palais Niederösterreich on 16 and 17 February. But unlike previous years, there will be no simultaneous German-English and English-German translations. But around a third of presentations will be in English, and there are plenty of opportunities to meet participants in the Austrian, German and Swiss domain name industry. After all, this is the largest domain name conference for the German-speaking countries.Topics up for discussion at next month’s conference include, why do we need a strong network, a keynote address on ICANN and the internet of tomorrow, the IANA transition, challenges for the domain name industry as well as exploring new markets such as China, the Russian-Ukrainian Cyberwar and the use of Social Media, protecting internet user’s data, an update on the major issues for the Austrian, German and Swiss registries and cybercrime.For registration, the programme and more information, see:

  • Domain Pulse 2017 Conference Call For Papers

    Domain Pulse, the conference for the largest annual German language domain name industry conference, has put out a call for papers for its 2017 get together to be held in Vienna, Austria, on 16 and 17 February.The theme for Domain Pulse 2017 is Networks and Networkers and will look at the broader spectrum of the term. Such as who and what is linked, how important are networks, where does networking take place and how does it work and what problems does networking bring and/or solve?While this is the general theme, other ideas, particularly relating to domain names, will be considered. The conference organisers, in 2017 the Austrian registry nic.at, is not only looking for academic contributions but also application-oriented and practical inputs covering the sociological and technical meaning of networks.There are two formats for presentations:

    • The first is an introductory speech with a maximum time of five to 10 minutes and up to five slides. The purpose of introductory speeches is to give a quick overview on a topic. There are no questions from the audience.
    • The second is a “Lightning Talk” with a timeframe of 15 minutes for the talk and five minutes for a Q&A and a maximum 10 slides. In a lightning talk a topic can be further elaborated. There is the possibility for the audience to discuss and ask questions.

    For interested presenters, an abstract submission and a CV can be sent to pr@nic.at before 10 December and include whether the proposal is for an introductory or lightning presentation. Abstracts should be a minimum of 500 and a maximum 700 words and give a rough overview of ideas and or work. Presentations can be given in German or English.The organisers have outlined the benefits for speakers saying there will be the opportunity to participate in the two-day conference and broaden networks. There is also an invitation to attend the speaker’s dinner on the evening before the conference and to enjoy all the amenities of the two days (+1). There is no financial remuneration to speakers however in special cases travel and hotel costs will be covered.Proposals will be considered and evaluated with announcements made after 9 January. For more information on the Domain Pulse conference and the call for papers see:

  • .BERLIN And .WIEN Domains Coming Soon

    .BERLIN And .WIEN Domains Coming Soon

    DotBerlin logoIt was a glimmer in the eye of Dirk Krischenowski and a few others back in 2004, but now it is almost reality with the proposed new gTLD to be entered into the root in about four weeks.

    In a surprise at The Munich Conference on New Top Level Domains, contracts were signed for the .berlin and .wien (Vienna) new gTLDs with ICANN – the first two cities to have their contracts signed.

    The signing follows the passing of technical tests of the backbone operator, TLD Box, a subsidiary of nic.at, the registry for the .at (Austria) country code.

    “We are glad that our work over the last eight years we have achieved our goal,” Krischenowski, founder and general manager of DotBerlin told Golem.de, who also said the signing was unexpected.

    Krischenowski hopes that .berlin domain names will be available in the first quarter of 2014 for somewhere between €29 and €49 while Ronald Schwärzler, Operations Manager for punkt.wien. expects .wien domains to be available in March 2014.

    Note: a previous version of this article noted .berlin domains would launch in the final quarter of 2013.

  • New gTLDs Likely to Have Limited Impact on Existing Domain Aftermarket: Sedo

    The impact of new generic Top Level Domains on the price of existing gTLDs and ccTLDs is likely to be limited, said Tim Schumacher, CEO of leading domain name marketplace Sedo, following the Domain Pulse conference in Vienna last week.”I don’t think the new gTLDs will have a major impact on pricing of existing TLDs. If you start a company or a product, you will always need to have your “dotcom” or respective ccTLD in the market you operate in,” said Schumacher in an interview with the GoldsteinReport.”A valuable one-word in a good TLD will carry value for many years to come. Some low-end TLDs and domain names might suffer a bit though, for example, if suddenly a free alternative TLD pops up so that there is no need to pay a few dollars for an inferior domain.”But the prices for individual domain names in the Sedo market are relatively flat with domain name prices not increasing markedly, however the sales numbers and revenues are continuing to increase, Schumacher said during a panel session at Domain Pulse titled “The Domain is Dead – Long Live the Domain?”.Generally though Schumacher sees .COM and the major European ccTLDs such as .CO.UK and .DE are doing better than others in terms of prices when looking at market trends. However like with .COM and the sex.com sale in the last quarter of 2010, these prices are subject to significant variation from one or two key sales.

  • Importance of Domain Names Will Continue Despite Social Networking Options

    Domain names will continue to be important in a company’s branding and image said Sedo’s Tim Schumacher on day one of the Domain Pulse conference in Vienna last Thursday. However there are alternative means of promoting a company or brand such as social networking services, said Sabine Hoffman from marketing company ambuzzador, that can be complementary to using a domain name.The panel discussion was a feature of day one of the annual Domain Pulse conference, Europe’s most important annual domain name conference. The conference was attended by 350 people (out of 480 applications for the free tickets) from around the world, but mostly Austria, Germany and Switzerland, learned from and networked among their peers.Also on the panel was Christian Kallenberg, chief editor of FHM magazine in Germany, who ditched the domain name for FHM Germany and now relies entirely on promoting the magazine through Facebook. Kallenberg says this move has been very successful, and much more successful than using a website with the magazine’s own domain name. And much cheaper.However this method was not supported by Schumacher and Hoffman. Questions were raised as there is a lack of control over how you can project your brand online. For example, Facebook, Twitter or another social networking site may introduce charges in the future that could relate to the number of friends or people ‘liking’ the page. Should this happen, the business may or may not be up for a considerable fee. Hoffman wondered what would happen if Facebook introduced a charge of $1 per friend on Facebook.Additional problems could be changes in terms and conditions, the introduction of strict regulation of sales such as proposed last week by Apple for sale through applications, the loss of popularity of the social networking site or even the collapse of the website.Hoffman believed that using Facebook was a good idea, but should be used in conjunction with a domain name and website, redirecting from your company website to Facebook through an address such as facebook.brandname.at.

  • DNSSEC Coming to .AT, But Resistance Among Some German Companies

    Domain Pulse conference logoThe Austrian registry, nic.at, announced at the annual Domain Pulse meeting on Friday that they will introduce DNSSEC late in 2011 following its introduction 12 months ago by the Swiss registry at the 2010 Domain Pulse and its planned introduction on 31 May 2011 by the German registry. But in a survey among members of the German internet industry association eco, there was resistance among a small but significant group of companies to take it up.

    Speaking on happenings among the registries, Richard Wein, General Manager of nic.at said they were currently in the planning stages for enabling DNSSEC for .AT and will make it available at the end of the year. In preparation, nic.at will be holding a training day on 19 May.

    Eco, the association of the German internet industry has over 500 members, and has conducted a survey, soon to be released, that looked at whether German business was likely to support DNSSEC. The initial findings of the survey found that there is a core group that has no plans, while the largest group of respondents to the survey seem in no hurry to introduce DNSSEC saying they will do so in the next 12 months.

    Presenting a summary of the findings at the Domain Pulse conference, Thomas Rickert noted that among different types of members, around 20 to 30 per cent of members had introduced DNSSEC, from ten to 33 per cent had no plans to introduce DNSSEC while 43 to 62 per cent of members planned to introduce it in the next 12 months.

    Announcing its planned introduction of DNSSEC in May, DENIC described it as:
    The Domain Name System (DNS) converts the domain entered by the user into an IP address that can be processed by the computer. So the DNS can be called the telephone directory of the Internet. At present, the transfer of the DNS information – i.e. the resolution of the domain into the corresponding IP address – is not encrypted. This situation provides possibilities for altering the resolving name servers en route or by cache poisoning and to redirecting the user to manipulated sites. DNSSEC applies a digital signature to the name server records and thus ensures that the information will reach the user without any alterations. In addition to that, the sender of the information can be reliably authenticated. The procedure cannot prevent, however, that false information is signed or that the user is misled on a higher level.

    The eco survey of members on a range of internet issues will be released in coming weeks and be available on their website at eco.de.

    Europe Registry logoTo register your .AT or .DE domain name, check out Europe Registry here.

  • How Much Governance Does The Internet Need? To Be Answered At 2011 Domain Pulse

    Internet governance is the key theme of the upcoming Domain Pulse conference to be held in Vienna from 17 to 18 February.There will be presentations on Internet Governance 2.0 and the future of domain names as well as a panel discussion on How Much Governance Does The Internet Need.They key note speech on the opening day will be given by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, a professor of internet governance regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.A panel discussion on the future of the domain name, titled “The Domain is Dead – Long Live the Domain?” will include Sedo’s Tim Schumacher and Christian Kallenberg of Mitte Editionen.The discussion on How Much Governance Does the Internet Need? will include Christian Singer from BMVIT, Hubert Schöttner from BMWI, Jonne Soininen from Siemens/Nokia and a member of the ICANN Board, Michael Niebel from the European Commission, Theresa Swinehart from Verizon and formerly ICANN and Thomas Schneider from BAKOM.Additional presentations will cover legal issues relating to internet governance with a presentation from Hans Peter Lehofer of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court who will discuss “Internet Law between Regulation of Infrastructure and Content” while there will be a discussion with the legal experts from each of the revolving host registries, nic.at, DENIC and SWITCH.For more information on the Domain Pulse conference and to register, see www.domainpulse.at where the information is in both English and German, as will all presentations with simultaneous translations.

  • Domain Pulse 2011 Conference Registrations Open

    The eighth Domain Pulse conference is happening in February 2011 and registrations are now open.Domain Pulse is the annual domain name conference for the German-speaking countries, alternating between Austria, Germany and Switzerland. While presentations are mostly in German, others are in English and presentations are translated into German or English where required.It is also an excellent conference to meet all the players in the domain name game in the German-speaking world. So whether you just want to know more about domain names or want to do business, it is a great opportunity to meet all the essential players.Domain Pulse is a smaller more intimate conference with a maximum of 300 attendees, however there are already 170 registrations, so those interested in attending should make decisions fast! Registration and attendance at the evening event are all free. Attendees only need to pay for their travel and accommodation.The 2011 conference is held on 17 and 18 February at the Palais Ferstel in Vienna, and there is always a well organised evening event that will be held on the 17th. The 2011 host is the Austrian registry, nic.at.While the conference agenda is not yet finalised, topics to be covered include:

    • trends and tendencies regarding domain names
    • how much state control the Internet needs
    • trend scout Nils Mueller on a journey into the future
    • understanding the legal issues impacting on domain names in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
    • Internet Governance, Security and new gTLDs
    • essential things with Lothar Seiwert.

    Free registrations are now open at www.domainpulse.org/en/registration. There are only a limited number of attendees each year and it’s a case of first-come first-served.