TRA launches phase to register special domain names

Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) is pleased to announce the opening of registration in the Arabic domain name (DotEmarat) for special names. The registration will be open from 4th of September until the 3rd of October, and it can be done through accredited registrars.  In-line with its objective to promote the usage of Arabic language in e-addresses, and in a step that reflects its endeavour to continue its initiative related to domain names (DotEmarat), the registration launch for special names follows the approval obtained from ICANN in January 2010.

Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) is pleased to announce the opening of registration in the Arabic domain name (DotEmarat) for special names. The registration will be open from 4th of September until the 3rd of October, and it can be done through accredited registrars.  In-line with its objective to promote the usage of Arabic language in e-addresses, and in a step that reflects its endeavour to continue its initiative related to domain names (DotEmarat), the registration launch for special names follows the approval obtained from ICANN in January 2010.

Commenting on the registration, H.E. Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim, TRA Director General said: “Since we acquired approval from ICANN regarding the domain (DotEmarat), we have set a timeline for ourselves to promote this domain name across all sectors. We started with the governmental sector, then with trademarks, and now we have come to the special names phase, which demonstrate that we are on target with our plan, and we are achieving rapid progress in this regard.”

“The registration will enable users to seize the opportunity of booking their own domain name, as the availability for names is still vast. The Arabic domain name indeed provides ease in memorizing, writing, and circulating the names in Arabic, in addition to its distinct look on the browser when written in Arabic,” he added.

This registration will provide users with a wide range of options, and a portal that will allow users who surf the net, especially the ones who are not familiar with English, to find domains easily. The names that will be registered can be simple and direct such as: Hotels Dot Emarat, Autos Dot Emarat, Search Dot Emarat, Shopping Dot Emarat, Sports Dot Emarat, etc. Individuals who are interested in registering their domain names can visit the Arabic link (عربي.امارات ).

Al Ghanim further noted: “One of the main objectives sought by TRA through promoting and deploying the domain name (DotEmarat), is to reach to a wide spectrum of users of this domain, and to allow Arabic speakers to achieve the maximum benefit from the internet, its diverse channels and enormous capabilities, by providing a bridge that allows them to cross language barriers that used to be an obstacle to them.”

The Arabic domain name (DotEmarat) is an unprecedented achievement on the regional level that makes the UAE one of four countries in the world to launch a domain name in its national language following the approval of ICANN. Notably, the TRA had recently completed the two registration stages for the governmental sector and trademarks for the Arabic domain (DotEmarat).

This TRA announcement was sourced from: