ICANN have announced they will be heading to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 17 to 21 November 2013 for the 48th of their thrice yearly meetings.As per usual there was a call for interested parties to host the meeting. One location application was received, but ICANN deemed this unsuitable as it did not have all of the facilities needed to host an ICANN Meeting.So subsequently ICANN staff undertook a search and settled on Buenos Aires according to the minutes of the Special Meeting of the ICANN Board of 20 December.For 2013, meetings will be held in Beijing, China, from 7 to 11 April and then Durban, South Africa, from 14 to 18 July.Looking at 2014, ICANN has decided to hold its meetings in London, Singapore and a yet to be determined location in North America. Possibly due to the difficulty in finding hosts for the meetings, the board decided on the above locations. But it appears that there might not have been much public consultation for the 2014 meetings, which ICANN is not required to do but has done as part of its community engagement.The lack of likely suitable hosts interested in hosting future meetings, in part due to the costs involved, were reasons ICANN undertook to consolidate the number of locations where meetings would be held in the from 2015 and beyond.Looking at 2015 and beyond, ICANN requested comments on its Consolidated Meetings Strategy proposal earlier in 2012. The Public Participation Committee, under its charter to increase public awareness of, and participation in the affairs of ICANN, will oversee the creation and activities of a Multistakeholder Meeting Strategy Working Group that will examine the design, frequency and regional rotation of future meetings and conferences.
ICANN Going To Argentina In November 2013, Then Singapore, London, North America in 2014
ICANN have announced they will be heading to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 17 to 21 November 2013 for the 48th of their thrice yearly meetings.