Updates For .GN and .MA

Moroccan ANRT logoThe Guinean government department responsible for their .GN ccTLD has called for expressions of interest for the recruitment of a consultant who will help them take over their ccTLD

Moroccan ANRT logoThe Guinean government department responsible for their .GN ccTLD has called for expressions of interest for the recruitment of a consultant who will help them take over their ccTLD.

The Postes, Télécommunications et des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (MPTNTI – Post, Telecommunications and New Technologies of the Information) is using some of the money obtained from funding provided by the World Bank for a fibre optic project – the West Africa Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (WARCIP-Guinea) for this project.

Through their management of. GN, the Guinean government has for objective to develop the internet across the country and to increase the use of ICTs as an essential tool in the short, medium and long term for the emergence of a genuine digital economy in the country and the successful contractor will be required to assist with this.

In its call for expressions of interest, the Republic of Guinea indicates that the consultant will have the mission to put the process of delegation of the ccTLD.GN from the IANA. The process will culminate in the drafting of a report for re-delegation. It should also propose options for the development of .GN on organisational and technical aspects.

Registrants of .ma (Morocco) domain names registered before 1 March 2015 are advised they need to check their registration data, according to a government announcement. The request has been made following the migration to a new platform for the management of .ma domain names. Any domain names not checked and if required updated by 31 December 2015 will be deleted.

The above information was translated into English from French and therefore may not be totally accurate. Please check the original information in the links above to ensure accuracy.