Tag: Japan Registry Services

  • .JP Domain Names Pass 1.5 Million

    Japan Registry Services announced the number of .jp domain name registrations as of 1 February passed the 1.5 million mark.

    To get to this point, JPRS notes they have improved their services and driven promotional activities. However, the figure couldn’t have been achieved without the tremendous support of their registrants, accredited business partners and the global and local Internet community.

    Of the 1,500,136 registrations, 1,014,301 are the General-use JP domain names (e.g. EXAMPLE.JP), which exceeded 1 million registrations as of September 1, 2017. 473,903 are the Organizational/Geographic Type JP domain names (e.g. EXAMPLE.CO.JP), 11,932 are the Prefecture Type JP domain names (e.g. EXAMPLE.TOKYO.JP, EXAMPLE.北海道.JP).

  • Second Level .JP Domain Names Pass 1 Million Registrations

    Japan_Registry_Services_logoThe number of second level .jp domain names passed the one million registrations mark on 1 September, Japan Registry Services, reaching 1,002,374.

    Second level registrations in the Japanese country code top level domain (ccTLD) are open to individuals, groups, or organisations that have postal addresses in Japan and can be registered in both ASCII and Japanese. The one millionth registration took about 16 years and 7 months to reach.

    Besides the general-use second level .jp domain names there are third level registrations under, for example, .co.jp which can be registered only by organisations or companies with postal addresses in Japan. Prefecture .jp domain names such as .tokyo.jp and .北海道.jp include one of the names of the 47 prefectures in its structure. As of September 1, 2017, the cumulative number of registered JP domain names as a whole is over 1.48 million and about 70% of the names are second level .jp domain names.

  • ICANN, JPNIC and JPRS Sign MoU to Promote Collaboration on Translation

    ICANN JPNIC and JPRS Sign MoU[news release] ICANN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) and Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. (JPRS) today to forge an alliance fostering greater collaboration on translation.

    Under the cooperative agreement, ICANN, JPNIC and JPRS will coordinate and collaborate to address the linguistic needs of the Japanese community by identifying and translating ICANN materials into Japanese. This increased coordination calls for greater communication with regard to the translation efforts undertaken by each party, avoids duplication of resources, and ensures that content of relevant interest are accessible to the local community.

    “I am confident that this collaboration will be a good model that shows how ICANN and the local community can come together to help address the language needs of markets where English is not the main language medium. This is an important topic that we need to address as we move forward with ICANN‘s globalization efforts,” said Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and Chief Executive Officer.

    The MoU was formalized and signed at ICANN‘s 53rd Public Meeting in Buenos Aires. JPNIC representative Akinori Maemura (on behalf of JPNIC President, Shigeki Goto) and JPRS representative Hirofumi Hotta (on behalf of JPRS President Koki Higashida) were present at the signing ceremony together with Fadi Chehadé and other staff members of ICANN, JPNIC and JPRS.

    “Since ICANN was incorporated, JPNIC has been closely keeping track of ICANN‘s activities and disseminating ICANN information to the Japanese community. The recently-established Asia Pacific Hub has helped to bring us to a new stage of collaboration, and I am delighted to enter into this MoU, which concretizes one of our on-going cooperation,” said Shigeki Goto, President of JPNIC.

    “JPRS has introduced ICANN‘s activities in Japanese to the Japanese community in order to support private-sector-led Internet resource management. I am very pleased to enter into this MoU as it clearly expresses our intention to further contribute to the Japanese community through collaboration with ICANN and JPNIC,” said Koki Higashida, President of JPRS.

    Kuek Yu-Chuang, Vice President and Managing Director for ICANN Asia Pacific said that the region’s diversity called for ICANN to work even more closely with their stakeholders to achieve common goals.

    “We are very excited about this collaboration. Both JPNIC and JPRS are already doing a great job translating and sharing some ICANN materials, for example in their ICANN Readout sessions. With this MoU, we can better coordinate our resources to cover translation work more efficiently, so as to deliver ICANN materials to the Japanese community according to their needs.”

    “We also hope that this will pave the way for more communities to come forward to work with us. Together, we can help to overcome the language barrier and ensure that this is not an impediment to participation in ICANN and our policy development process,” he added.

    Christina Rodriguez, Director of ICANN Language Services Department, agreed. “This is a timely development and ties in very well with the department’s recently refined approach in partnering with the community on ICANN‘s translation work. Such collaboration helps us to better reach audiences beyond those using the official ICANN languages (6 official UN languages + Portuguese), and provides a new avenue for community partnership.”

    This ICANN news release was sourced from:

  • JPNIC and JPRS publish “History of Internet Resources Management in Japan – Focusing on Domain Name and IP Address”

    JPNIC and JPRS publish “History of Internet Resources Management in Japan – Focusing on Domain Name and IP Address”

    JPRS - Japan - logoJPNIC and JPRS today (7 May) release the English website “History of Internet Resource Management in Japan – Focusing on Domain Names and IP Addresses” to help people all around the world know more about the development of the Internet in Japan since its emergence.

    JPNIC, a National Internet Registry and an Internet promotion body, and JPRS, the ccTLD registry for .JP which was spun off from and succeeded the .JP registry of JPNIC, have been collaboratively working to compile a comprehensive history of the Internet from a Japanese perspective, focusing on Internet resource management. As another outcome of our activities, and as part of JPNIC’s 20th anniversary celebrations, we published in 2013 “The Internet Timeline” covering some of major global Internet event, both in Japanese and English.JPNIC Japan logo

    “History of Internet Resource Management in Japan”, was originally compiled in Japanese in 2013, too. It is translated this time in English to make it more accessible both for experts and those without expertise in this field. We believe that a Japanese perspective of Internet resource management history can be an interesting and useful reference for people around the world. If you are interested, please do have a look. We hope you will enjoy it.

    The entire English content was edited by Mr. Gerard Ross, the former Communication Manager at APNIC who also recently compiled the history of APNIC. The smoothness of the language is thanks to his effort, which JPNIC and JPRS appreciate very much.

    If you have any questions, comments or requests, please feel free to contact us at “history-comment@nic.ad.jp“. We appreciate any feedback.

    This JPNIC/JPRS announcement was sourced from: