How Internet of Things Solutions Can Better the Environment

COVID-19 forced individuals globally to stay inside, which had a significant positive impact on the environment, ranging from improved air quality, cleaner rivers and less noise pollution to undisturbed and calm wildlife. As restrictions continue to ease, there needs to be a focus on environmental awareness as we return to “normal” day-to-day activities. What will happen to our planet when restrictions are no longer in place? Who can play a role in protecting our world?

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Vint Cerf – The Future of the Internet of Things: Desirable properties of an IoT ecosystem

Vint Cerf is widely known as a “Father of the Internet” and is the highly celebrated co-designer of TCP/IP protocols and Internet architectures. In his lecture, “The Future of the Internet of Things: Desirable properties of an IoT ecosystem”, Cerf discussed the benefits and the potential pitfalls of a massively automated world.

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Are your devices spying on you? Australia’s very small step to make the Internet of Things safer

From internet-connected televisions, toys, fridges, ovens, security cameras, door locks, fitness trackers and lights, the so-called “Internet of Things” (IoT) promises to revolutionise our homes.

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Connected Devices Will Generate 79 Zettabytes of data by 2025

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is no longer in the stage of hype or anticipation that it once was. If anything, the IoT has now crossed over into mainstream commercial and business use.

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