U.S. Charges Russian Intelligence Officers in Major Cyberattacks

The Justice Department on Monday unsealed charges accusing six Russian military intelligence officers of an aggressive worldwide hacking campaign that caused mass disruption and cost billions of dollars by attacking targets like a French presidential election, the electricity grid in Ukraine and the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

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Daily Wrap: Whois Privacy, Domain Suspensions Not a Priority for PIPCU, the Litigious IOC, IPv6 Grows in APEC and Neustar Expands, Again

FairWinds Partners logo“Whois privacy services by cybersquatters can frustrate and sometimes delay the resolution of a domain dispute but it can’t prevent the inevitable,” say FairWinds Partners in a recent blog posting. But they do result in “brand owner[s] having to incur the expense of filing a UDRP or URS complaint.â€

FairWinds Partners logo“Whois privacy services by cybersquatters can frustrate and sometimes delay the resolution of a domain dispute but it can’t prevent the inevitable,” say FairWinds Partners in a recent blog posting. But they do result in “brand owner[s] having to incur the expense of filing a UDRP or URS complaint.”

City of London Police logoA London police unit, the City of London Police’s Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU), has decided that suspending pirate domain names is no longer a priority, according to TorrentFreak. The report says that after ICANN ruled that registrars don’t have to suspend domain names without a valid court order, the police have decided to put more emphasis on other enforcement tactics.”

The International Olympic Committee is very protective of its trademarks and litigious when it comes to those it believes to protecting those marks. So now the IOC and the U.S. Olympic Committee have sued a businessman on trademark charges, claiming he’s stockpiled more than 1,000 domain names of potential Olympic host cities and years to raise money, according to Courthhouse News Service.

However Stephen P. Frayne Jr. has “filed a complaint in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, averring that he acquired the domain name solely to establish a bona fide noncommercial forum for an ‘open and honest discussion’ about the Olympic Games, the complaint states.”

Use of IPv6 in the Asia Pacific is growing. According to recent stats from APNIC Labs, there are some encouraging signs across the region, with the United States (26.5%), Peru (15.5%), Japan (15.7%), Malaysia (10.2%) and Singapore (9.6%) all among the top 15 economies for IPv6 end-user adoption. In the post on the APNIC blog, it notes that “globally, IPv6 adoption has seen a 100% increase in the last 12 months. Although this only represents 4.9% of total users there is reason to be optimistic about the overall trend.”

Neustar is expanding its wings. In 2015 it has acquired Bombora, the Neustar logoregistry for the .au and .om ccTLDs, and assets owned by Transaction Network Services, to add to, among other acquisitions, .CO Internet in 2014. And just last week it acquired MarketShare Partners, LLC, a fast-growing marketing analytics technology provider to major brands, for $450 million. The purchase price is effectively reduced to approximately $390 million after taking into account tax benefits resulting from the transaction.

ICANN: Update on Protection of Red Cross, International Olympic Committee and Other Names in New gTLDs

ICANN New TLDs logoThe GNSO Council has initiated a Policy Developmenty Process (PDP) on the protection of names and acronyms of certain international organizations in the top and second levels of all gTLDs including, International Government Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent (RCRC) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

ICANN New TLDs logoThe GNSO Council has initiated a Policy Developmenty Process (PDP) on the protection of names and acronyms of certain international organizations in the top and second levels of all gTLDs including, International Government Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent (RCRC) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Recent Developments

The GNSO Council initiated a PDP at its public meeting in Toronto to evaluate the need for, and to develop any policy recommendations to provide additional special protections at the top and second level in all gTLDs for the names and acronyms of certain international organizations. These organizations are International Government Organizations (IGOs) and International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs).

This PDP specifically includes the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the American Red Cross (collectively, the “RCRC”) and the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”). Currently, there are no permanent special protections available for these international organization names beyond the general Rights Protection Mechanisms established for existing and new gTLDs. The PDP will be considering possible permanent protections in all gTLDs, including at the second level of the first round of new gTLDs, for the IOC and RC names, as well as additional special protections for the names of IGOs and other INGOs that are protected by international treaties and national laws in multiple jurisdictions.

Next Steps

A PDP Working Group will be formed after the GNSO Council adopts the PDP WG Charter. After considering specific issues as outlined in its charter and the Final Issue Report, the Working Group is expected to make recommendations to the GNSO Council for any specific necessary additional special protections for the names of certain international organizations. The Working Group is expected to publish its Initial Report for public comment in early 2013.

More Information

This ICANN announcement was sourced from:

ICANN: Protection of International Olympic Committee (IOC) / Red Cross Names (RCRC) Drafting Team – Recommendations

ICANN logoPurpose (Brief): The IOC/RCRC Drafting Team (DT) requests community comment on the latest recommendations created for second level protections of names relating to the International Olympic Committee and the Red Cross/Red Crescent

ICANN logoPurpose (Brief): The IOC/RCRC Drafting Team (DT) requests community comment on the latest recommendations created for second level protections of names relating to the International Olympic Committee and the Red Cross/Red Crescent.

Public Comment Box Link: www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/ioc-rcrc-recommendations-28sep12-en.htm

This ICANN announcement was sourced from:

Daily Wrap: Christians Oppose Sex (gTLDs), .RADIO Conflicts And IOC’s Amazing UDRP Success

One of the four applicants for the .RADIO gTLD, BRS Media, is claiming “ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee has a ‘direct conflict of interest’ over the gTLD,” reports Domain Incite. The issue comes about from another applicant, the European Broadcasting Union, having observer status at the GAC

One of the four applicants for the .RADIO gTLD, BRS Media, is claiming “ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee has a ‘direct conflict of interest’ over the gTLD,” reports Domain Incite. The issue comes about from another applicant, the European Broadcasting Union, having observer status at the GAC.

It is well known that many Christians publicly oppose anything to do with sex, and this opposition has transferred to the new gTLD arena with Domain Incite reporting “Morality In Media, one of the groups that fought the approval of .xxx for years, has launched a letter-writing campaign against the proposed .sex, .porn and .adult top-level domains.” The complaints, so far anyway, are only against gTLDs ICM Registry has applied for. But there are two .SEX applications – the second is from Internet Marketing Solutions Limited, while there is also an application for .SEXY.

The International Olympic Committee has been busy not only preparing for the London Olympics in a few weeks, but also “for domain owners, and anyone else, who uses a word or phrase that could be construed as being sponsored by the IOC or any of its affiliates,” notes Dan Duval, one of Sedo’s legal staff.

“Decisions dealing with the 2012 Olympics have shown that World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) panels are willing to broaden their interpretation of the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) beyond traditional trademark rights, especially when dealing with domains containing any word that could be associated with the Olympics,” continues Duval.

Success by the IOC included “a WIPO panel forced the transfer of mylondon2012.com to the London Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG). The owner registered the domain in 2005, the same day the IOC announced the location of the 2012 Summer Olympics.”

The article concludes suggesting registrants “steer clear of domains containing words or combinations of words that could result in the forced transfer of such domains to the IOC, as with a domain as seemingly harmless as mylondon2012.com.”

The Paris based registry start-up Starting Dot submitted five applications for community-based new gTLDs as part of ICANN’s new gTLD programme. The TLDs are .ARCHI, .BIO, .SKI, .DESIGN and .IMMO and will use the registry system of the German based provider KSregistry GmbH as technical framework. Starting Dot is a new registry managing a portfolio of new industry-related TLDs that was founded in Paris in October 2011.

ICANN Public Comment: Proposal to Protect International Red Cross and International Olympic Committee Names at the Top Level in New gTLDs

ICANN logoPurpose (Brief): Public comment is being sought by the IOC/RC Drafting Team established by the GNSO Council on an expedited basis as a matter of urgency on a proposal developed in collaboration with the GAC and the IOC/RC Drafting Team to implement certain protections for Red Cross/Red Crescent and International Olympic Committee names at the top level commencing with the first round of New GTD applications

ICANN logoPurpose (Brief): Public comment is being sought by the IOC/RC Drafting Team established by the GNSO Council on an expedited basis as a matter of urgency on a proposal developed in collaboration with the GAC and the IOC/RC Drafting Team to implement certain protections for Red Cross/Red Crescent and International Olympic Committee names at the top level commencing with the first round of New GTD applications.

It is recognized that that the time frame is exceptionally short because of the time constraints imposed by the closing of the new gTLD application window on April 12, 2012, and the new working relationship between the GNSO community and the GAC. It should also be noted that these recommendations may be the subject of possible action by the GNSO Council on 14 March 2012 at the ICANN Meeting in Costa Rica.

Public Comment Box Link: www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/ioc-rcrc-proposal-02mar12-en.htm

Olympics Committee Social Media Guidelines For London 2012 Include Domain Names

There are not many organisations in the world that are as vociferous in their control of their trademarks as the International Olympic Committee. With the London Olympics scheduled for 2012, the IOC has issued social media guidelines for participants and other accredited persons

There are not many organisations in the world that are as vociferous in their control of their trademarks as the International Olympic Committee. With the London Olympics scheduled for 2012, the IOC has issued social media guidelines for participants and other accredited persons.

The guidelines also refer to domain names that include “the word ‘Olympic’ or ‘Olympics’ or any similar words related thereto (or any foreign language equivalents thereof) are not allowed unless approved by the IOC beforehand.”

The IOC gives the example of[myname]olympic.com which would not be permitted while [myname].com/olympic would be allowed, but only during the period of the Olympic Games during which these Guidelines are applicable. The guidelines also note that “participants and other accredited persons may not create stand-alone Olympic-themed websites, application or any other feature to host coverage of the Olympic Games.”

On social media such as Twitter and Facebook, the control continues. The guidelines state “the IOC encourages participants and other accredited persons to post comments on social media platforms or websites and tweet during the Olympic Games, and it is entirely acceptable for a participant or any other accredited person to do a personal posting, blog or tweet. However, any such postings, blogs or tweets should be in a first-person, diarytype format and should not be in the role of a journalist – i.e. they must not report on competition or comment on the activities of other participants or accredited persons, or disclose any information which is confidential or private in relation to any other person or organisation. A tweet is regarded in this respect as a short blog and the same guidelines are in effect, again, in first-person, diary-type format.

“Postings, blogs and tweets should at all times conform to the Olympic spirit and fundamental principles of Olympism as contained in the Olympic Charter, be dignified and in good taste, and not contain vulgar or obscene words or images.”

For the guidelines in full, click here [PDF].

Olympic Committee Engages Members In Letter Writing Campaign To ICANN

The International Olympic Committee has got its members involved in a good old letter writing campaign to ICANN in its bid to get preferential treatment for words relating to the Olympics in any new top level domains when they are introduced.

The International Olympic Committee has got its members involved in a good old letter writing campaign to ICANN in its bid to get preferential treatment for words relating to the Olympics in any new top level domains when they are introduced.The Olympic Associations for Chile, Germany, France, Australia, India, Gambia and Sri Lanka have all written near identical letters in support of the request by the IOC for reservation of the words “Olympic” and “Olympiad” “in the domain name system”.The template letter also informs ICANN that “many nations around the world protect the words OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD, in addition to the other words and symbols of the Olympic Movement.”The campaign is part of the IOC’s campaign, that often appears to verge on bullying, to get ICANN to introduce a reserved words list that includes protection for the words of the Olympic movement in any new TLDs.

Olympic Committee Thinks It's God And Gets Grumpy With ICANN Over New gTLDs

The International Olympic Committee has written to ICANN stating its unhappiness with the new generic Top Level Domain process saying they “uniformly request – in the event that ICANN does proceed to launch an unlimited number of new gTLDs – that the Olympic trademarks, including OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD, be placed on the reserved names list.” Continue reading “Olympic Committee Thinks It's God And Gets Grumpy With ICANN Over New gTLDs”

Olympic Committee Thinks It’s God And Gets Grumpy With ICANN Over New gTLDs

The International Olympic Committee has written to ICANN stating its unhappiness with the new generic Top Level Domain process saying they “uniformly request – in the event that ICANN does proceed to launch an unlimited number of new gTLDs – that the Olympic trademarks, including OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD, be placed on the reserved names list.”

The International Olympic Committee has written to ICANN stating its unhappiness with the new generic Top Level Domain process saying they “uniformly request – in the event that ICANN does proceed to launch an unlimited number of new gTLDs – that the Olympic trademarks, including OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD, be placed on the reserved names list.”In their opening paragraph the IOC also note they have “submitted eleven public comments to ICANN opposing its new gTLD program” and to date had not received a response.And if the IOC does not get what it wants, they say they “are prepared to employ all available legislative, regulatory, administrative and judicial mechanisms to hold ICANN accountable for damage caused to the Olympic Movement.”If the IOC had taken an interest in the process it would have undoubtedly realised that responding to every submission would be difficult and time consuming. But the IOC has form in being demanding.The IOC also notes they request – at least they did not say they “require” – “adequate rights protection measures necessary to quell an expected unprecedented level of cybersquatting and trademark infringement”. They are also grumpy these issues have been “relegated to consideration by the GNSO who they describe as having “no motivation to support effective trademark protection mechanisms and who actively aim to reduce accountability for intermediaries and legitimize cybersquatting.”The four page letter then waffles on with its usual list of complaints, expanding on the points above. They also claim the trademark clearing house is not an effective means of dealing with trademark infringements for them as the clearinghouse will only deal with “marks under existing treaties” that “undult discriminates against future Olympic Games, host cities and corresponding trademark rights.”The full text of the most recent letter to ICANN from the IOC is available at: