Domain Name Update for .HK and .CN

Developments over the last 12 months in the Chinese and Hong Kong ccTLDs are outlined in this article by lawyers from the Hong Kong-based law firm Mayer Brown JSM. The article also gives a quick overview of the new measures and policies adopted by the China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) and Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC)

Developments over the last 12 months in the Chinese and Hong Kong ccTLDs are outlined in this article by lawyers from the Hong Kong-based law firm Mayer Brown JSM. The article also gives a quick overview of the new measures and policies adopted by the China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) and Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC).

The article covers internationalised domain names, the measures introduced in China to strengthen the regulatory framework such as dealing with obscene and illegal content complaints and verification of registrant identities, security and dispute resolution policis.

To read the article in full by Kenny Wong and Alan C.W. Chiu from the law firm Mayer Brown JSM, see

Asia Registry logoTo register your .CN or .HK domain name, check out Asia Registry here.

.HK Registry Applies for Chinese Character Version of TLD

The registry for .HK (Hong Kong) is introducing internationalised domain names with plans to introduce the Chinese version of the .HK country code and allowing all registrants with an existing .HK domain name to get the IDN version for free

The registry for .HK (Hong Kong) is introducing internationalised domain names with plans to introduce the Chinese version of the .HK country code and allowing all registrants with an existing .HK domain name to get the IDN version for free.

The Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation, the .HK registry, has applied to ICANN to introduce the Chinese character version, and if successful, with offer a buy one, get the other free with registrants receiving both versions of the domain name.

Since 2007 registrants of .HK domain names have been able to register all but the .HK part of the domain name in Chinese characters, and should ICANN grant HKIRC the Chinese character version of the .HK ccTLD it will mean registrants can have complete domain names in Chinese characters.

Asia Registry logoTo register your .HK domain name, check out Asia Registry here.