Now It’s Time To Get .Health-y

health_gTLD_logoThe .health new gTLD hit General Availability on 5 December, with the general public now able to register their own healthy domain names. However there are restrictions on how .health domain names can be used to ensure integrity and deter misuse

health_gTLD_logoThe .health new gTLD hit General Availability on 5 December, with the general public now able to register their own healthy domain names. However there are restrictions on how .health domain names can be used to ensure integrity and deter misuse.

General Availability is the third phase of the .health launch – the previous two phases allowed early access for trademark holders and verified members of the health industry to gain access to .health domains before the general public.

As of 6 December there were 4,002 .health domain names registered, which includes Sunrise and Landrush and the first day of General Availability for the new generic top level domain.

.health domain names have already been registered by industry-leading brands such as Mayo Clinic, United Healthcare, Pfizer, Apple, Google, and Amazon. Whether they are using their .health domain to launch a new product/service, rebrand an existing website with a better name, expand to a new market, or simply provide quick access via a branded shortener, the dotHealth registry says many great health companies and organisations are already using their .health domain names for live websites, including:

dotHealth has a more comprehensive list of brands and organisations using .health domain names at

“We’re excited and energised by how quickly the health industry has secured great names and begun building meaningful content on their .health domains,” Jose Ignacio Rasco, CEO of dotHealth.  “With both the Trademark and Industry Access phases complete, General Availability marks an integral step necessary to continue building .health as the home for health online.”

Registrants who adopt .health domains will be subject to stringent terms and policies that ensure the integrity of the extension and deter misuse. These terms and registration policies (found at were developed by dotHealth with the assistance of an advisory board of health and technology experts. In addition, all domains are monitored by both Neustar and LegitScript to protect against content that is unsafe, illegal, or puts internet users’ health and safety at risk.

During the first two launch phases, .health was available at a limited number of domain retailers. As of today, fifty registrars are offering .health domains.

.health new gTLD Completes First Phase of Launch

health_gTLD_logo[news release] dotHealth LLC announced today (11 July) the conclusion of the first phase of its launch, which ended on July 7, 2017. The “Sunrise” phase was a 60-day period during which trademark holders were eligible to claim the .health domain name that corresponds with their trademark

health_gTLD_logo[news release] dotHealth LLC announced today (11 July) the conclusion of the first phase of its launch, which ended on July 7, 2017. The “Sunrise” phase was a 60-day period during which trademark holders were eligible to claim the .health domain name that corresponds with their trademark.

“It’s great to have completed the first phase smoothly, and we are looking forward to the next phase of our launch,” said Jose Ignacio Rasco, CEO of dotHealth, “We saw many great health brands secure their names during Sunrise, and we expect Industry Access to be an exciting time where we start to see the health industry launching new initiatives on .health domains.”

The phased launch process for .health ensures that domains are available as soon as possible to the appropriate communities, while building a credible domain landscape that meets the needs of end users. Websites on .health will represent all areas of the health and wellness industry including: those who provide health care, those who provide health information, those who market health products/services, health IT companies, and those in the broader health and wellness space.


.health Launch Schedule

May 8 – July 7, 2017 – Sunrise – Trademark holders had first access to register .health domains aligned with their trademark according to ICANN regulations.

July 20 – Nov 30, 2017 – Industry Access – Qualified health industry entities can register .health domains through a token system administered by dotHealth.

Dec 5, 2017 – General Availability – Registration will open to the public while continuing to be backed by terms and policies that will safeguard the credibility of the space.

dotHealth is taking steps to ensure the .health domain landscape is backed by reliable technology and policies to provide credible and focused content. Registrants who adopt .health domains will be subject to stringent terms and policies that ensure the integrity of the extension and deter misuse. These terms and policies are being developed with the assistance of an advisory board of health and technology experts. In addition to these policies, dotHealth recognizes the importance of security on health-related sites, therefore .health domains are backed by industry-leading technology and security protocols administered by Neustar, the largest provider of core registry and digital naming services.

“We are designing .health to be the new industry standard for websites in health and wellness. At dotHealth, we are committed to providing value to the health industry by meeting a need that has long existed for health information online,” said Rasco.

About dotHealth

dotHealth LLC is the official domain registry for .health, the new domain extension for brands, organizations, and people who provide high-quality health information, products, and services. .health is designed to be the premier address for those who are advancing the health and wellness space. For more information, visit

This dotHealth news release was sourced from:

New .Health Announces Launch for the Health Industry

health_gTLD_logo[news release] dotHealth LLC announced today it will launch the new .health top level domain (TLD) as a new home for health online. The .health TLD is designed to be the premier web address for those who are advancing the health and wellness industry and will provide a new home for health online for brands, organisations and individuals who provide high-quality health products, services and information

health_gTLD_logo[news release] dotHealth LLC announced today it will launch the new .health top level domain (TLD) as a new home for health online. The .health TLD is designed to be the premier web address for those who are advancing the health and wellness industry and will provide a new home for health online for brands, organisations and individuals who provide high-quality health products, services and information.

The Internet makes extensive amounts of information available to consumers, and it can be a challenge for consumers to filter unreliable information from valuable information. The .health extension will set a new benchmark for online health information and help promote peace of mind in health-decision making by enabling people to easily find and connect with credible sources of health information.


Driving the new TLD is dotHealth, LLC, an organisation comprised of the same team that launched the .co TLD in 2010. dotHealth’s CEO, Jose Ignacio Rasco, is eager to improve the health industry by advancing the online health and wellness experience. “We are designing .health to be the new industry standard for websites in health and wellness. At dotHealth, we are committed to providing value to the health industry by meeting a need that has long existed for health information online,” said Rasco.

dotHealth is taking steps to ensure the .health domain landscape is backed by reliable technology and policies to provide credible and focused content. Registrants who adopt .health domains will be subject to stringent terms and policies that ensure the integrity of the extension and deter misuse. These terms and policies are being developed with the assistance of an advisory board of health and technology experts. In addition to these policies, dotHealth recognises the importance of security on health-related sites, therefore .health domains are backed by industry-leading technology and security protocols administered by Neustar, the largest provider of core registry and digital naming services.

.health will launch in a phased process to ensure that domains are available as soon as possible to the appropriate communities, while building a credible domain landscape that meets the needs of end users. Websites on .health will represent all areas of the health and wellness industry including: those who provide healthcare, those who provide health information, those who market health products/services, health IT companies, and those in the broader health and wellness space.

Launch Schedule

May 8 – July 7, 2017 – Sunrise – Trademark holders will have first access to register .health domains aligned with their trademark according to ICANN regulations.

July 20 – Nov 30, 2017 – Industry Access – Qualified health industry entities may register .health domains through a token system administered by dotHealth.

Dec 5, 2017 – General Availability – Registration will open to the public while continuing to be backed by terms and policies that will safeguard the credibility of the space.

“We live in an age where we receive so much information, and we need to distill what is helpful to us. The .health domain extension will provide a new level of confidence for those seeking information about health. As consumers, we have certain expectations of some TLDs. Today more than 1,000 TLDs exist around the world, and only a handful garner instant credibility from end-users. .health will join that elite few as the most respected TLD for health information,” said Rasco.


About dotHealth

dotHealth LLC is the company behind the launch of .health, a new domain extension for brands, organisations, and people who provide high-quality health information, products, and/or services. .health is designed to be the premier address for those who are advancing the health and wellness space.