Italian Digital Marketing Agency Wins Main Prize in .EU Web Awards

Last week saw EURid hold the 10th annual .eu Web Awards ceremony in Brussels, honouring the most exceptional .eu websites of the year. An Italian digital marketing company, Web To Emotions Web Agency Rome, won the main prize of the evening.

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Following a Pandemic Bump, .EU Gets A Slight Case of Post-Pandemic Blues

EURid’s stable of domain names, .eu, .ею and .ευ, are suffering some post-COVID pandemic blues. Over the last three years registrations for EURid’s three top-level domains jumped 95,953. But it’s a story of a pandemic bump, where many TLDs saw a jump in registrations as businesses that weren’t online went online, along with new ventures for existing businesses, and a slight decline following.

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EURid Announces 2022 .EU Web Awards Winners

EURid honoured the best of .eu, .ею and .ευ websites this week with a glittering event to celebrate the 2022 .eu Web Awards. Six categories were honoured at the event held in Mechelen, Belgium.

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EURid’s TLDs Show Registration Increase in 12 Months to End September

EURid, best known for .eu, has increased total registrations for its three top-level domains by a total of 15,000 in the year to the end of September, according to the registry’s latest Quarterly Report.

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EURid Beats Post-Brexit Blues To Record 0.9% Increase in 2021 Registrations

EURid annual growth : source 2021 Annual Report

The number of .eu, .ею and .ευ domain names grew by 0.9% in 2021 to 3,713,804 according to EURid’s 2021 Annual Report released this week. It’s the highest total number of .eu domains since 2017 when there were 3,815,055 domains. But this 2017 figure was before the impact of Brexit and included 317,286 .eu domains registered to British registrants, the vast majority of whom became ineligible once Britain left the European Union.

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EURid and ICANN Sign MoU Promoting Multilingualism and Inclusion on the Internet

EURid, the .eu registry, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ICANN to strengthen collaboration between the two organisations supporting Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) and promoting the Universal Acceptance (UA) of all domain names and email addresses.

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Your Favourite .EU Website Could Win a €5,000 Marketing Budget in 2022 .EU Web Awards

Your favourite .eu (or .ею, or .ευ) website could win an online marketing budget worth €5,000 in the 2022 .eu Web Awards launched Tuesday.

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.EU Adds 175,000 New Registrations in Q1 While ‘Ukraine’ Added To Malicious Domain Registration Checks

There were 174,903 new .eu domain name registrations in the first quarter of 2021 taking the overall total registrations in the European ccTLD to 3,724,513, according to EURid’s Q1 2022 Progress Report [pdf] released last week. Three countries led the way with Luxembourg showing an increase in registrations of 7.4% for the quarter, Portugal (4.5%) and Liechtenstein (2.8%).

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What’s Been Happening At… EURid: Q4 2021 report, Greek Character .EU Domains to be Deleted, Continuing Checks for Nefarious COVID registrations, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust Annual Report, Surfrider Foundation Europe Support, Extra Registrant Verification Method and Vacancies

Catching up on what’s been happening at EURid is the focus of today’s post. Over the last three months EURid has released their 2021 fourth quarter report, released 48,000 .eu domain names that were previously registered to British registrants, announced Greek character .eu domain name registrations will be deleted (Greek character domains should be registered under .ευ), continued COVID-related domain checks for nefarious registrations to March with their APEWS, published the first annual report of the Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, published results of their 2021 Registrar Satisfaction Survey (positive), continued support of the Surfrider Foundation Europe, they currently have a vacancy open for Legal Counsel while the CEO position has closed and announced an additional verification method for providing evidence of a registrant’s identity. Phew!

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EURid Gets .EU For 5 More Years

EURid has been selected to run the .eu registry for another five years, meaning they will manage the top-level domain until 2027 which will see them reach 20 years of managing .eu.

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