• .PT Celebrate 30 Years, Best Year Ever and One Million Registrations in 2018, 2019 Signs .AO Agreement

    2018 was the best year ever for the Portuguese ccTLD as it celebrates 30 years of .pt, a record number of new registrations and passing the one million registrations mark. And 2019 has gotten off to a great start as they announce the signing of a protocol of collaboration with the Angolan government regarding the management of their .ao.

    To celebrate the 30 years of .pt, the DNS.PT Association organised a conference in November called “The Internet is a Strange Place”, which took place on November 29 at the Jerónimo Martins Auditorium, Nova SBE, Carcavelos.

    Then in early January 2019 there were 2 announcements. The first was that by new registrations, it was the best year ever for the Portuguese country code top level domain with a total of 107,850 new .pt domain names registered.

    The Portuguese ccTLD is one of the faster growing in European: year after year, the number of .pt registrations increases significantly. DNS.PT note .pt is in the top 5 of the European domains.

    .pt passed the one million registrations mark in March 2018 and today has 1.093 million domains under management. In the 10 years since the end of 2008 registrations have shown constant growth, growing from 248,000.

    The second announcement this month was DNS.PT Association signing a protocol of collaboration with the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology of Angola (MTTI), which aims to support the ongoing process of restructuring management of the Angolan ccTLD, .ao, as well as develop technical and legal training actions that enhance the development of skills in the area of ccTLD management and the internet in general. Angola is another Portuguese-speaking country.

    The collaboration protocol was signed by Luisa Gueifão, chairman of the DNS.PT Association Board of Directors, and Manuel Gomes da Conceição Homem, Secretary of State for Information Technologies of MTTI on 11 January in Lisbon in a ceremony during which the importance of the relationship between the two entities was reinforced

  • Registry Lock Service: DNS.pt launches additional security protection service to the data associated to the domains .PT

    PT Portugal Registry Lock Service logoThe DNS.PT has just released the Registry Lock Service, a premium service which gives additional security protection for the data linked to domain names, thereby avoiding unauthorized changes, transfers or deletions.

    By subscribing to this service, additional measures will be implemented for verifying the data linked to a domain, in terms of legitimacy for carrying out the following actions, where applicable: transfer of domain name management; transfer of technical responsibility for domain names; deletion of domain names; changes to technical information and assignments in the zone.

    This Registry Lock service is intended for owners of domains registered under .PT and the subscription must be carried out by the domain holder and conducted via registrar or managing entity, simply by consulting and accepting the Terms and Conditions and complete and submit the subscription form available at https://www.dns.pt/en/domains-2/registry-lock-service/. The provision of this premium service implies the payment of a maximum monthly payment of 5.00 euros.

    This DNS.PT news release was sourced from:

  • Half Million .PT Domains Landmark Reached

    Half Million .PT Domains Landmark Reached

    DNS PT logoThere are now half a million .PT domain names the registry, the Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN), announced on 12 October.

    There has been a rapid growth in .PT registrations since rules were liberalised on 1 May, allowing anyone to register a .PT domain and drastically reducing the bureaucracy involved, when 39,465 domains were registered. On the first day of the new liberalised rules over 18,000 domains were registered. The second highest month for registrations in 2012 was March when 8,851 domains were registered. Today there are 500,758 domains registered.

    Already this year there are over 97,000 domains registered, with the year only three-quarters gone. Previously the year with the highest number of registrations was 2007 when 66,133 domains were registered.

    Showing the popularity of registrations at the second level, there are around 20 .PT domain names registered for every one .com.pt domain.

  • 29,000 .PT Domains Registered In First Week After Rules Liberalised

    29,000 .PT Domains Registered In First Week After Rules Liberalised

    DNS PT logo18,220 .PT domain names were registered in the first 24 hours and 28,984 in the first week after a new era was launched for the Portuguese country code with registration policies liberalised allowing anyone to register the country’s domains.

    Pedro Veiga, President of FCCN, said that he was pleased with the results and that from now on .PT was now aligned with international registration standards for domain registration.

    “At a time when ICANN opened doors to the registration of new generic domains, ccTLD’s have to stay competitive and, if possible, assume its role of ex libris in each of the countries to which they correspond. In this line, and by way of example, it makes sense that a Portuguese company has its domain under .PT.”

    While the registration rules are liberalised, there are still some words and phrases that are excluded that are considered abusive and contrary to the law, public order and morality. In addition geographic names and words or phrases that might mislead are also not allowed.

    Europe Registry logoTo register your .PT domain, check out Europe Registry here.

  • Bright New World Begins Today For .PT

    Bright New World Begins Today For .PT

    DNS PT logoAt 09:00 today (1 May, local time) a bright new world emerged for the Portuguese ccTLD .PT with .PT domains now available for everyone!

    The changes mean anyone can register a domain for the Portuguese ccTLD and registrants will no longer have to be associated with a brand or company, not in Portugal.

    “This is a goal for which the Foundation has been working long and we finally have the approval of the proposed liberalisation from the General Council. We hope that this liberalisation will result in an increase in the number of people who choose to have a .PT address instead of registering foreign and generic top domains,” said Pedro Veiga, president of the Foundation.

    For the .PT registration, the domain only will have to be delegated in the .PT area and be technically associated with a primary name server, correctly installed and configured.

    A “Sunrise” period for the bright new era existed from 1 March for 60 days to allow public companies, companies, brand names, establishment, logos, copyright and professional names, literary or artistic to register their .PT domain and defend their established rights.

    Under the new regime, no new registrations will be allowed for net.pt, .int.pt, .publ.pt and .nome.pt.

    Registrants also need to note that registrations of .PT domains may not:

    • correspond to words or expressions contrary to law, public order or morality
    • correspond to any top level Internet domain name in existence or in the process of being created
    • correspond to names that would mislead or cause confusion about their ownership, namely, by coinciding with notorious or prestigious trademarks that belong to another
    • correspond to any protocols, applications or terms of the internet
    • correspond to a geographical name.

    More information is available from https://www.dns.pt/documents/10156/99679a1a-ba79-48c2-ba30-4209fecd622b.

    Europe Registry logoTo register your .PT domain name, check out Europe Registry here.