ICANN: First New gTLD Registries Receive Tokens for Root Zone Management System

ICANN new generic Top Level Domains logoICANN distributed the first tokens for accessing the Root Zone Management System yesterday. The following Registries are eligible to initiate the Delegation process

ICANN new generic Top Level Domains logoICANN distributed the first tokens for accessing the Root Zone Management System yesterday. The following Registries are eligible to initiate the Delegation process;

    • International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd.
      • شبكة (xn--ngbc5azd) – the Arabic word for “Web” or “Network”
    • Core Association
      • онлайн (xn--80asehdb) – Russian for “Online”
      • сайт (xn--80aswg) – Russian for “Web site”
  • Spring Fields, LLC
    • 游戏 (xn--unup4y) – Chinese for “Game”

These Registries may move forward with Delegation because they successfully completed all phases of the New gTLD Program, including the final phase, Pre-Delegation Testing (PDT). Additionally, they have already completed what’s known as Transition to Delegation, the actions that occur between passing PDT and gaining access to the Root Zone Management (RZM) System.

Transition to Delegation Process Overview

  1. Administrative Review
    After passing PDT, ICANN performs a final administrative check to ensure that every criterion of the New gTLD program, as outlined in the Applicant Guidebook, has been met.
  2. Appointment of the Delegation Point of Contact
    Upon prompting from ICANN the Registry Operator will appoint a Delegation Point of Contact. This will be the individual who is authorized to access the RZM System.
  3. Security Token & Link to RZM Distributed
    ICANN will generate a token that will permit the Registry Operator to access the RZM System. For Security reasons the token will be made available to the Application’s Primary Contact through the Customer Portal. Along with the token, the user will find the link to access the RZM System.

Once a Registry receives its security token, it may initiate the Delegation process at any time. Delegation involves assigning operational responsibility for a TLD to the to the contracted party and adding records to the root zone to make the TLD functional on the Internet.

Delegation Process Overview

  1. Accessing the Root Zone Management System
    After following the link to the RZM System, a representative from the Registry will submit the security token and the TLD (for IDN’s this is the A-label). This action will trigger a notification to the Delegation Point of Contact, which will include a unique link that will officially initiate the Delegation process.
  2. Information Exchange & Technical Testing
    ICANN’s IANA Department manages the process of delegating new gTLDs into the root zone of the Domain Name System. Once the process has been initiated, the Delegation Point of Contact will be prompted to provide information pertaining to the domain and the IANA Department will confirm that everything is in order, including that no new technical issues have arisen.
  3. Approval, Notifications and Updates
    The delegation process is executed by the Root Zone Partners: ICANN, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the United States Department of Commerce, and Verisign. After ICANN confirms that all the requirements have been met, the details are transmitted to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the United States Department of Commerce for authorization. On NTIA’s authorization, Verisign implements the change to the root zone .
  4. More Information: Delegating a Generic Top-Level Domain

Currently, ICANN anticipates that the Transition to Delegation process will transpire within five business days of completion of PDT. We anticipate that Delegation may take up to two weeks after a Registry initiates the process. Given those guidelines, it’s possible that the first new gTLD(s) could be introduced into the Internet by the end of October 2013. Over the next few years, ICANN is prepared to support a measured, continual rollout of gTLDs and we look forward to working with new Registry Operators.

Further Reading:First New gTLDs Get the Green Light for Delegation

This ICANN announcement was sourced from:

.SPORT Selects CORE As Registry Operator

CORE Internet Council of Registrars logoThey might have been among organisations to complain about aspects of ICANN’s plan to introduce new top level domains, but the International Olympic Committee is part of a group that is applying for the .sport top level domain utilising services of the CORE Internet Council of Registrars

CORE Internet Council of Registrars logoThey might have been among organisations to complain about aspects of ICANN’s plan to introduce new top level domains, but the International Olympic Committee is part of a group that is applying for the .sport top level domain utilising services of the CORE Internet Council of Registrars.

The decision was taken as a result of a mandate taken from the members of SportAccord, which consists of 90 International Sports Federations and 15 sports organisations and with the support from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) and the Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations (AIOWF). SportAccord selected CORE as their partner to provide the technical and administrative platform for the registry operation with the ultimate objective to protect Sports’ values and the interests of the Sports Movement and stakeholders.

“We are extremely happy to appoint CORE to apply and operate the future .sport domain name” says Vincent Gaillard, Director General of SportAccord, “we were looking for a partner that fully understands and endorses the values, culture and principles of Sport, and we are convinced that with CORE, we have found exactly the right partner”.

Consistent with its role as the umbrella organization for Olympic and non-Olympic sports as well as organisers of sporting events, SportAccord will be the Registry Operator of the .sport top-level domain, working in consultation with all community stakeholders.

“It is a privilege to be able to contribute to a TLD led by the Sport Community.” says Amadeu Abril i Abril, Chief Policy Adviser at CORE. “The purpose of the CORE Association has always been to create TLDs in the public trust. The community-based focus of the .sport TLD is the best way to maximize its value for the cause of Sport while avoiding negative externalities.”

SportAccord has already started the process of setting up a Governing body for .sport so as to achieve effective community-based policy development. The Governing Council will be composed of representatives of Sport governing authorities (International Federations and IOC representatives) and Sport community representatives for athletes, sponsors, amateurs, fans and youth.

As a consequence it is intended the .sport TLD will truly be led by the Sports world and developed around the values, culture and principles of Sport.