.CL Registrants Get Free Legal Assistance in Disputes

Registrants of .cl domain names that become caught up in disputes regarding their domains may now be eligible for free legal assistance in a programme NIC Chile has facilitated.

The programme is offered through an alliance of legal clinics at Chilean university law faculties. It’s aimed at helping registrants, mostly for individuals and small businesses, who may not have the resources to defend disputes.

NIC Chile, the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) manager for .cl, will not take a position in these disputes but believes it is necessary to offer registrants who opt for this benefit the possibility of being advised by entities independent of NIC Chile. The legal advice will be given by undergraduate and graduate law students, with the guidance of their professors, can work on improving the conditions of defense of users of .CL domains.

The advice involves assigning academic value to the work of the legal consultancy, so that students can acquire the tools to represent the client in this online arbitration system, which dispenses with the traditional class teaching.

Initially the programme began with a pilot involving 3 universities:

  • Finis Terrae University, SME Legal Clinic
  • Catholic University of the North, legal clinic
  • Catholic University of the Most Holy conception, legal clinic.

The results of the pilot programme were positive and based on the good results, NIC Chile say other registries have shown an interest in replicating the service. Following the success of the pilot phase the program is incorporated as a permanent service available to all .cl registrants that are involved in domain name disputes and who comply with the eligibility conditions established by each participating law faculty.

The original NIC Chile announcement is available only in Spanish here and for accuracy this should be consulted.

NIC Chile Launches Registrars Programme for .CL

NIC Chile has launched a Registrars Programme for .CL that will allow both national and international companies to act as registrars for Chile’s ccTLD.

NIC Chile

The programme had a previous pilot phase, in which international companies that were already accredited as registrars with ICANN were invited to participate, and after complying with the requirements and the required technical tests, were authorized as registrars for .cl. In the same way, Chilean companies were invited to become accredited as local registrars, complying with the corresponding accreditation program.

Now the pilot phase has been completed, all companies interested in becoming strategic partners of NIC Chile, both in Chile and around the world are encouraged to apply to be accredited as registrars for Chile’s country code top level domain. Currently there are eleven companies authorised by NIC Chile to be registrars.

CIRA Adds .CL and .SG As Clients of Their D-Zone Anycast DNS Service

CIRA announced Monday it has added 2 new ccTLD partners for its D-Zone Anycast DNS service – Singapore (.sg) and Chile (.cl), taking to 10 ccTLDs that use the service, as well as adding 2 new global nodes in Brazil and Japan – as the company best known as the manager of the Canadian ccTLD .ca continues  to spread its wings

CIRA announced Monday it has added 2 new ccTLD partners for its D-Zone Anycast DNS service – Singapore (.sg) and Chile (.cl), taking to 10 ccTLDs that use the service, as well as adding 2 new global nodes in Brazil and Japan – as the company best known as the manager of the Canadian ccTLD .ca continues  to spread its wings.

The addition of Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC), the country code top level domain manager for .sg and NIC Chile, who manages .cl, adds 180,000 and 570,000 domain names under management respectively to its service.

CIRA now has 25 nodes across the globe providing a robust network that powers D-Zone Anycast DNS for their ccTLD customers which answers approximately 180 million DNS queries per day for its TLD customers to help provide greater resiliency to their networks.

The 10 ccTLDs that now use CIRA’s D-Zone Anycast DNS are .cl, .cr (Costa Rica), .dk (Denmark), .nl (Netherlands), .nu (Niue), .nz (New Zealand), .pt (Portugal), .se (Sweden), .sg and of course Canada’s .ca. D-Zone Anycast DNS answers queries for nine percent of all global ccTLDs domain names.

DNS Anycast technology deploys identical DNS servers in different locations often in different countries. It means that when a node is taken offline, due to maintenance or for nefarious reasons, the end user doesn’t notice and DNS services continue. During a cyberattack, with nodes deployed around the world one node can bear the brunt of an attack leaving others unscathed. For businesses, DNS Anycast services can be deployed to improve performance of websites and load times for web pages. With multiple nodes, the customer is closer to a node and performance improved.

“We were looking for DNS partner with a global reputation and solid infrastructure. We found that partner in CIRA and look forward to a productive relationship,” said Queh Ser Pheng, General Manager of SGNIC.

“CIRA’s global reputation in the ccTLD community provided us with the confidence that we could trust them with our DNS. Our customers demand the highest standards of uptime and security and D-Zone Anycast DNS helps us deliver that,” said Eduardo Mercader Orta, Director of Operations, NIC Chile.

“CIRA is proud to partner with ccTLDs to provide a stable, secure, high performance DNS. Starting with DNS, our relationships have expanded to be true partnerships that include collaboration and information sharing with our ccTLD peers around the globe,” said Mark Gaudet, DNS Program Manager, CIRA.

.CL Introduces New Terms And Conditions Effective December 2013

NIC Chile

As of 1 December 2013, new terms and conditions for .cl domain names will come into force, with transitional arrangements for new registrations commencing 1 November

NIC Chile

As of 1 December 2013, new terms and conditions for .cl domain names will come into force, with transitional arrangements for new registrations commencing 1 November.
The new rules will see:

  • every domain name registered but not paid for as of 1 December will be deleted
  • domain names deleted will become available to the first applicant
  • any disputes arising from new registrations or deletions will be processed and resolved according to the new domain-name dispute resolution policy
  • all disputes lodged over domains prior to 1 December will be resolved following the old terms and conditions
  • transfers of .cl will no longer be available from 1 December 2013, the date from which will commence the new procedure of change of owner – this procedure shall be compulsory for all holders of domain names registered, transfers initiated before that date will continue its processing according to the norms informed at the time of the notification of the beginning of the procedure
  • new domain registrations will only be allowed a single email address for the administrative contact address; this address will be used in the procedure of transfer of domain names to the future system of user accounts.

The above information was translated using an online translation. For accurate information in Spanish only, and more information, see www.nic.cl.

Free .ML Domains Come With Extra Phishing

Registering domain names in Mali’s ccTLD, .ml, has been free since July, but they come with an added bonus – phishing. According to a report published by Netcraft, “Mali now has the most phishy top-level domain of any country in the world.â€

Registering domain names in Mali’s ccTLD, .ml, has been free since July, but they come with an added bonus – phishing. According to a report published by Netcraft, “Mali now has the most phishy top-level domain of any country in the world.”

According to the report, there are one in 17 “incidents to sites” for the 581 websites using .ml domains. Netcraft report there are 34 sites currently blocked due to phishing incidents. This is a long way ahead of the second worst ccTLD for phishing incidents, the .ne (Niger) which has a total of 170 sites with two of these currently blocked for phishing incidents, or one in 85.

Of ccTLDs with more than 100,000 sites, the worst is .cl (Chile) that has 280,540 sites, 510 of which are currently blocked due to phishing incidents, a ratio of one in 550. And for ccTLDs with more than one million sites, .ar (Argentina) is worst 450 sites currently blocked out of 1,001,660, a ratio of one in 2,225.

The Malian ccTLD recently joined .tk (Tokelau), whose registry operator Dot TK is a subsidiary of Freedom Registry who is the registry operator for .ml, and is the largest ccTLD with over 15 million registrations and who also had major problems with phishing. But Dot TK introduces an anti-abuse API to allow trusted partners to shut down sites that use .tk. Netcraft note that “this dramatically reduced the average uptime of phishing sites which used .tk domains, making it a less attractive platform for fraudsters. Indeed, .tk does not even appear within the top 50 phishiest TLDs today; however, considering .tk and .ml share the same owner, this makes it somewhat surprising to see .ml being so heavily abused already.”

For the complete list compiled by Netcraft of the world’s 50 phishiest ccTLDs, go to toolbar.netcraft.com/stats/tlds.

Domain Transfer Fee Eliminated for .CL Domains

.CL logoNIC Chile has announced the “Change of Domain Holder” (Transfer) fee for .CL domain names was eliminated as of 1 October

.CL logoNIC Chile has announced the “Change of Domain Holder” (Transfer) fee for .CL domain names was eliminated as of 1 October.

Previously the transfer to a new registrant required a fee, and registration was subsequently renewed for two years. Now the operation to change the domain name holder will be free, but the registration period will not be extended.

The rest of the procedure remains unchanged, including sending the required documentation of both the current and the new domain name holders.

NIC Chile lowers fees for .CL

NIC.CL - Chile - .CL - logoNIC Chile has reduced its registration fees by US$2.00 (5%) as of 1 July for all domain registrations. Renewal fees will also be reduced by the same percentage, for all domains that expire from 1 September 1 on

NIC.CL - Chile - .CL - logoNIC Chile has reduced its registration fees by US$2.00 (5%) as of 1 July for all domain registrations. Renewal fees will also be reduced by the same percentage, for all domains that expire from 1 September 1 on.

The current tables of fees can be found at www.nic.cl/fees.html (CLP) and www.nic.cl/fees-usd.html (US$).

America Registry logoTo register your .CL domain name check out America Registry here.

The above information was sourced from LatinTLD and NIC Chile.

.CL Back Suffers Slight Delays Following Chilean Earthquake

NIC.CL - Chile - .CL - logoFollowing the earthquake in Chile, NIC Chile posted an update on the status of its services during and after the earthquake early in the morning of Saturday 27 February

NIC.CL - Chile - .CL - logoFollowing the earthquake in Chile, NIC Chile posted an update on the status of its services during and after the earthquake early in the morning of Saturday 27 February.

In their update NIC Chile advised that during and after the earthquake, DNS service for .CL worked without interruption. Service continuity was achieved due to the actions implemented by NIC Chile in order to have a significant redundancy level in DNS servers and connectivity, to keep .CL always visible in the Internet. This service is provided using more than 50 DNS servers over different cities in every continent.

During this emergency, some of these 50 DNS servers suffered connectivity loss or power failure after the earthquake, but thanks to the redundancy, there was no service discontinuity. Everything came back to normal as of Monday 1 March by 11:30, with the recovery of the DNS server located in the city of Concepcion, Chile, very close to the epicentre.

However connectivity problems of some of NIC Chile’s internet providers caused zone updates for new domains to be delayed and some were not done with the usual frequency of half an hour. This issue was fully resolved by the evening of Sunday 28 February.

In addition, the website service (nic.cl) was affected between 04:04 and 09:14 (CLST) of Saturday 27 February due to connectivity problems of some of NIC Chile’s internet providers.

For more information on NIC Chile, see nic.cl.

America Registry logoTo register your .CL domain name, check out America Registry here.