Sexy content may get dedicated home in cyberspace
Public comments on the proposed .xxx domain are due on Monday according to a story in Computer World. The story reports 500 email submissions have already been received by ICANN. Also noted is the controversy around the proposal, with many religious groups opposed as well as some operators of pornographic websites. Bret Fausett is quoted as saying “There’s been a lot of mixed messages sent by ICANN over the years, but I think we’re going to get .xxx this time”, noting he thinks it will be approved in the first quarter of 2007. Stuart Lawley is also interviewed.;1943934025;fp;2;fpid;1
Sexy content may get dedicated home in cyberspace
Public comments on the proposed .xxx domain are due on Monday according to a story in Computer World. The story reports 500 email submissions have already been received by ICANN. Also noted is the controversy around the proposal, with many religious groups opposed as well as some operators of pornographic websites. Bret Fausett is quoted as saying “There’s been a lot of mixed messages sent by ICANN over the years, but I think we’re going to get .xxx this time”, noting he thinks it will be approved in the first quarter of 2007. Stuart Lawley is also interviewed.