A controversial French bill which could disconnect people caught downloading music illegally three times returns to parliament on Wednesday for debate.The legislation, backed by President Nicolas Sarkozy, was surprisingly rejected in a vote earlier this month.If passed, the bill would set a tough global precedent in cracking down on internet piracy.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8024475.stmFrench parliament debates Internet piracy again
French parliamentarians revived debate on a bill to crack down on Internet piracy at the behest of President Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday after it had been the subject of an embarrassing defeat for the ruling party.France’s parliament rejected on April 9 the government-backed bill that proposed disconnecting Internet users if they downloaded music or films illegally, after the ruling UMP party failed to turn out in force to back the law.
http://uk.reuters.com/article/internetNews/idUKTRE53S7KW20090429French Internet piracy bill back in parliament
French lawmakers were on Wednesday to examine a new version of a contested bill that would cut off illegal downloaders from the Internet, in a tough new precedent for efforts to fight film and music piracy.Backed by the record and film industries but attacked by consumer groups, the bill was rejected this month in a surprise setback for President Nicolas Sarkozy’s government, blamed on low turnout among majority lawmakers.
Second chance for French net bill
A controversial French bill which could disconnect people caught downloading music illegally three times returns to parliament on Wednesday for debate.