The effect of having your details stolen via a bogus website can be devastating. Danny Bradbury looks at what the big players are doing to stamp out the problem: Carl Robertson still shudders when he remembers it. “You have to live through it to understand the damage that can happen, not only emotionally, but financially.” A death? A robbery? No. The 63-year-old California-based estate agent is talking about phishing, the stealing of personal credentials using spoof emails pointing to fake websites.,,2107221,00.html
Revoke the phishing licence
The effect of having your details stolen via a bogus website can be devastating. Danny Bradbury looks at what the big players are doing to stamp out the problem: Carl Robertson still shudders when he remembers it. “You have to live through it to understand the damage that can happen, not only emotionally, but financially.” A death? A robbery? No. The 63-year-old California-based estate agent is talking about phishing, the stealing of personal credentials using spoof emails pointing to fake websites.