Review of the structure and operation of the .au Internet domain

The Department for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts has released a discussion paper as part of a review into the structure and operation of the .au Internet domain. Public comment is sought on a range of issues including the administrative structure of the .au Internet domain, naming structures, policy development, competitiveness and cost effectiveness, international participation and emerging technical issues. Information and feedback gathered in the course of this review process will be used to examine the broader operation of the .au Internet domain to ensure that it continues to reflect the needs of industry stakeholders and the wider Internet community. Industry and members are invited to make submissions to the .au Internet Domain review by close of business on Tuesday 28 November 2006.

Review of the structure and operation of the .au Internet domain
The Department for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts has released a discussion paper as part of a review into the structure and operation of the .au Internet domain. Public comment is sought on a range of issues including the administrative structure of the .au Internet domain, naming structures, policy development, competitiveness and cost effectiveness, international participation and emerging technical issues. Information and feedback gathered in the course of this review process will be used to examine the broader operation of the .au Internet domain to ensure that it continues to reflect the needs of industry stakeholders and the wider Internet community. Industry and members are invited to make submissions to the .au Internet Domain review by close of business on Tuesday 28 November 2006.

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