The OECD recently invited public comments on issues such as convergence, innovation and trust, all of which will be discussed at the June 2008 OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy. This consultation provided an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to contribute to the discussions from a wide range of viewpoints and expertise. Responses are now available on line.,3343,en_21571361_38415463_39414351_1_1_1_1,00.html
Results of the OECD online public consultation on the future of the Internet economy
The OECD recently invited public comments on issues such as convergence, innovation and trust, all of which will be discussed at the June 2008 OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy. This consultation provided an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to contribute to the discussions from a wide range of viewpoints and expertise. Responses are now available on line.