Registration Of dotEmarat For Trademark Holders Closes Today

The registration of dotEmarat (امارات.) domain names for trademark holders closes today, 31 May 2011.

The internationalised domain names are viewed to be of great importance for internet users in the United Arab Emirates, as well as trademark holders, who were disadvantaged or excluded due to language barriers with the Latin characters

The registration of dotEmarat (امارات.) domain names for trademark holders closes today, 31 May 2011.

The internationalised domain names are viewed to be of great importance for internet users in the United Arab Emirates, as well as trademark holders, who were disadvantaged or excluded due to language barriers with the Latin characters.

The UAE Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) launched the initiative of the Arabic domain (امارات.). The launch represented the beginning of a new internet era, and the beginning of the UAE journey towards the optimal use to online Arabic content.

“In accordance with the objectives of the dotEmarat (امارات.) domain initiative in developing and marketing the domain names, educating the audience and promoting the domain, the TRA has opened earlier the Registration in the dotEmarat (امارات.) domain for trademark owners, taking into consideration the commercial benefits it offers regarding promoting the relationship between the trademark owners and their clients,” said H.E. Mr. Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim, TRA Director General.

“Also, dotEmarat (امارات.) can be used in commercial campaigns targeting the Arabic user, especially since the new Arabic top-level domain name is currently a broad market incorporating an assortment of unique names that fits the activities offered by every company, unlike the cliché top-level domain names where obtaining a new name has become close to impossible.’ He added.

Ownership of (dotEmarat) domains will secure intellectual property rights related to the Trademark, and it will prevent any legal disputes that may arise at a later stage. Disputes can run for long times, cost huge losses and harm the reputation a trademark, which are things that the TRA is keen to prevent the trademark owners from experiencing, in order to ensure a smooth and seamless business processes for those trademarks within the cyber space which the TRA is providing.