Radix Sell $137,000 In Premium Domain Names Since August

Radix, the fourth largest new gTLD operator by domains under management, has released some sales data for August to October this year. During the period they sold premium domain names in their new generic top level domains worth over $137,000

Radix, the fourth largest new gTLD operator by domains under management, has released some sales data for August to October this year. During the period they sold premium domain names in their new generic top level domains worth over $137,000.

The one-time sales that were announced were sold through Sedo and via their top registrar partners. Names that fetched maximum value were across .online, .space and .fun TLDs and included design.online for $57,500; king.online for $17,250, air.space for $17,500; inner.space for $15,000 and have.fun for $11,500. All of these were sold on domain marketplace Sedo. Radix sells a majority of its premium domains through the tiered model, wherein registrars sell premium names at a smaller, recurring premium fee per year.

“Our partnership with Radix has been mutually beneficial from the start and we’re enthused to see this more profitable boom for them supported by our marketplace and brokerage services” Tobias Flaitz, CEO, Sedo, said. “.online, .tech and other Radix extensions align perfectly with Sedo’s vast global clientele, including small businesses, startups, and as such have resulted in these stand out sales. Our goal is to support our Premium Registry Partners with marketing and sales offerings tailored to their needs, increasing exposure and interest for their new domain extensions (new gTLDs), all leading to a higher rate of conversions to sales.”

Radix also sold chefs.online through GoDaddy Domain Buy Service for $10,000 and wiz.host through Namecheap for $3,000, while spb.tech and jvm.tech were sold for $3,500 and $3,000 respectively by the registry directly. Some third-party sales in .online were also reported in the same period on Namebio with transparency.online selling for $10,000, dmv.online for $5,100, and Datenschutzmanagement.online (privacy management in German) for $1,000. Soar.tech was sold to a Scottish tech company for $2,390 in aftermarket through Sedo.

“It is encouraging to see the growing trend of aftermarket sales across our TLDs,” said Sandeep Ramchandani, CEO, Radix. “In addition to our direct one time sales, the third-party sales on Sedo indicate that our domains deliver great value even in the after-market.”

“Radix premium domains are being put to qualitative use by their buyers. While both, king.online and design.online, have been purchased by Australian furniture brand King Living; Inner.space has been purchased by a wellness organisation that offers next-level meditations.”

The premium domain jvm.tech has been purchased by Jung von Matt group, an advertising agency based in Hamburg, Germany, that works for clients such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Vodafone, and Adidas.

“We chose jvm.tech for our new agency to prominently show what we stand for: delivering products based on first-class technology,” Matthias Rohmer from Jung von Matt/NEXT ALSTER GmbH said. “It’s no surprise that jvm.tech is one of our most favourite domains ever.”

Radix’s primary premium names revenue comes from the tiered model of premium names, which has generated over $1.5M in premium revenue this year. While catering primarily to start-ups and micro SMBs, who are able to launch their project on a short, high-recall brand URL, at much lower upfront investment and risk, Radix has also consistently made 5 figure sales through registrars via this model – a recent notable sale in August was edu.online, which sold for 77,000 RMB/year (about $11,000/year) on Alibaba. This continued momentum in premium sales owing to innovative pricing models, evolving marketplace infrastructure and support, increasing awareness, and growing usage of meaningful new domains have propelled Radix’s extension for incremental growth YoY.