Quiet Week For Big Sales Sees 9J.com Top Weekly Chart

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There weren’t any six-figure sales for the week ending 5 May on Domain Name Journal’s chart of top reported sales, but 9j.com took out the top spot in a $60,400 sale brokered by SnapNames followed by heir.com ($55,000 through BQDN) and centric.com ($46,000 through Sedo).

On the top-level domain (TLD) side of things, there were 18 .com and one each for a .kr and a .de internationalised domain name. On the aftermarket side of things there were 8 sales through NameJet, 6 sales through Sedo, 4 sales through SnapNames and 2 through BQDN.

To check out the Domain Name Journal chart of top reported sales for the week ending 5 May, go to: http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2019/20190515.htm