Public Comment: ccNSO Review (Terms of Reference)

ICANN logoICANN’s bylaws require that Supporting Organizations, Councils and Advisory Committees be reviewed by an entity or entities independent of them

ICANN logoICANN’s bylaws require that Supporting Organizations, Councils and Advisory Committees be reviewed by an entity or entities independent of them.

In accordance with Article IV, Section 4, Clause 1 of ICANN bylaws, the review of each key structure of ICANN is designed to determine:

  • Whether the organization has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure; and
  • If so, whether any change in structure or operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness.

The Structural Improvements Committee approved for public comments the proposed Terms of Reference [PDF, 205K], which detail questions that would guide the independent review of ICANN’s Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO); the ICANN Board agreed and directed staff to post the proposed Terms of Reference [PDF, 205K] for public comments.

The public comment period will last from 26 May 2009 to 28 June 2009.

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