Print still has a future, and Le Monde can prove it. Aux armes, citoyens! by Peter Preston

Set aside this summer’s No 10 pulsations for a while and look at the noisy press gang on the other side of Downing Street. In particular, note how two heavyweight reports – one British, one American – have just sung the same grim song about newspaper futures.

Set aside this summer’s No 10 pulsations for a while and look at the noisy press gang on the other side of Downing Street. In particular, note how two heavyweight reports – one British, one American – have just sung the same grim song about newspaper futures.The first, from the Pew Research Center in Washington DC, sees 2015 as possibly “the worst year for newspapers since the Great Recession” and its immediate aftermath: “Daily US circulation fell by 7%, the most since 2010, while advertising revenue at publicly traded newspaper companies fell by 8%.”

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