[IDG] Police across Europe conducted raids Tuesday against Internet service providers and private individuals to collect evidence against several Web sites suspected of offering content to file-sharing networks without permission of the copyright holder.”The action is still ongoing,” said Jean-Marc Meilleur, spokesman for the Belgian Prosecutor’s Office. “We are planning to give some information tomorrow morning.”
http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/090710-police-in-europe-conduct-raids.htmlSwedish authorities step up battle against file-sharers [IDG]
Swedish police have searched houses belonging to people suspected of illegal file-sharing in Stockholm, Haparanda and Östersund in the last two weeks.
http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/204910/.htmlMajor file-sharing bust in Europe targets P2P admins
Sweden’s Frederick Ingblad is a specialized intellectual property prosecutor, and this morning he made a very specialized announcement: at the request of Belgian authorities, Ingbland and Swedish police had just made a series of coordinated raids on ISPs and universities. Their target: “The Scene.”