PIR Launches Search for New CEO

Public Interest Registry logoFollowing the departure of President and CEO Brian Cute in May, Public Interest Registry has begun the search for a new CEO

Public Interest Registry logo

Public Interest Registry logoFollowing the departure of President and CEO Brian Cute in May, Public Interest Registry has begun the search for a new CEO.

Public Internet Registry (PIR) is the not-for profit organisation created by the Internet Society (ISOC) in 2002 to manage, enhance and expand the .org domain while acting in the public interest. .org currently has 10.3 million domains under management and is the seventh largest top level domain. PIR also manages .ngo and .ong TLDs among others.

For the CEO position, in their advertisement PIR say they’re looking for a high- quality candidate to lead the company forward in this important stage of our development. The goal is to make PIR into a world leading registry in all aspects by adopting global best practice and leading-edge initiatives.

The CEO will execute their current strategy and to build on success and meet goals. The right leader will be someone with significant experience in the domain name industry at a senior level. While PIR is proudly not-for-profit, it exists both to serve the community and to fund ISOC. The right candidate will therefore have both strong commercial skills to drive revenue growth as well as a genuine passion for PIR’s public interest mission and broader Internet issues. The CEO will be responsible for delivering PIR’s mission within the domain name industry, the broader community of org/.ngo/.ong registrants, and the community of Internet users served by ISOC.

PIR is looking for a CEO with excellent organisational, strategic planning, financial management and diplomatic skills to lead a global and diverse community and reflect the organisation’s values. In addition to a wide variety of technical expertise, candidates should bring a track record of directing sustainable growth of an organisation or business unit. They must also have an inspirational leadership style, with experience working with an active Board.

For further information, including details of how to apply, go to the website of the recruitment firm Perrett Laver quoting reference 3669. The deadline for applications is Friday 27 July. Salary is not listed but is said to be “competitive”.