Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta warned Thursday that the United States was facing the possibility of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor” and was increasingly vulnerable to foreign computer hackers who could dismantle the nation’s power grid, transportation system, financial networks and government.In a speech at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York, Mr. Panetta painted a dire picture of how such an attack on the United States might unfold. He said he was reacting to increasing aggressiveness and technological advances by the nation’s adversaries, which officials identified as China, Russia, Iran and militant groups.To continue reading this New York Times report, go to: see:US defense chief says pre-emptive action possible over cyber threat
The U.S. military could act pre-emptively if it detects an imminent threat of cyber attack, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Thursday, urging stronger action to bolster America’s defenses against such plots.In what was described by U.S. officials as the first major policy speech on cybersecurity by a defense secretary, Panetta lamented under-investment by America’s private sector and political gridlock in Washington that he said stymied cybersecurity legislation. He said a presidential executive order was being considered “while we wait for Congress to act.”
Panetta Warns of Dire Threat of Cyberattack on U.S.
Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta warned Thursday that the United States was facing the possibility of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor” and was increasingly vulnerable to foreign computer hackers who could dismantle the nation’s power grid, transportation system, financial networks and government.