Nominet have announced the surprising resignation of CEO Lesley Cowley, effective 9 July, after 15 years with the .uk registry.”After 15 years at Nominet, it is now the right time to move on,” Cowley said in a Nominet statement. “It has been a privilege to lead Nominet for the past 12 years and I am incredibly proud of our achievements in that time. It is the staff team that make Nominet so special and I would like to especially thank each of them for their amazing efforts over the last decade and a half.”The move came without warning and comes after there has been some criticism of the organisation, although criticism appears to be par for the course for domain name registries with their stakeholder involvement.According to Domain Incite, “a small but vocal group of Nominet members has been trying to get her kicked out for the last few years, alleging among other things that she lied to members. Nominet tells me Cowley’s resignation has nothing to do with that.””Under Lesley’s leadership, Nominet has earned a well-deserved reputation for excellent service, and Lesley has played a leading role within the internet sector and wider IT world,” said Rennie Fritchie DBE, Nominet Chair. “The Board thanks Lesley for her dedication and commitment, and for her achievement in making the UK namespace a trusted online home for the millions who use it.”Until a new CEO is appointed, In the meantime, Nominet will be run by a leadership team – the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Commercial Officer, working closely with the Nominet Chair.