New gTLDs and Trademark Issues: Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT)

ICANN logoAs directed by ICANN’s Board in a recent resolution, the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) has formed an Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT). Members of the IRT are listed here [PDF, 20K]. The IRT has been formed to provide possible solutions to trademark issues raised in the new Generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLDs) implementation planning.

The IRT held an initial administrative teleconference meeting on 25 March, 2009 to, among other things, establish working rules and agendas for future meetings. The first face-to-face working meeting is planned for 1 April in Washington, DC. The Board resolution calls for a draft report to be issued publicly by the IRT by 24 April, 2009, and a final report to be issued by 24 May that will be open for public comment. The quick formation of the team, and active engagement by many participants is in service of this ambitious timeline.

Results of IRT work will be part of follow-on ICANN consultations regarding the overarching issues (see identified in the new gTLD implementation work. Finally, any modifications to the implementation, embodied in the New gTLD Applicant Guidebook and registry agreements will be open to at least one more round of public comment and feedback.

While the IRT has been specifically formed at the request of the Board, it is expected that other individuals and groups will offer recommendations relevant to trademark protection issues. ICANN welcomes these additional recommendations and will facilitate the work to the extent feasible. Recommendations can be posted directly to the new gTLD comments pages and/or individuals or groups can contact ICANN staff implementing the new gTLD program for more information (email It is expected that these other ideas will also be considered in follow-on ICANN consultations. More details about the ICANN consultations schedule will be published soon.

Thanks to all of the IRT participants for tackling this important issue, and forming quickly.

New gTLDs and the Internet

Openness Change Innovation

After years of discussion and thought, generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) are being expanded. They will allow for more innovation, choice and change to a global Internet presently served by just 21 generic top-level domain names.

A draft Applicant Guidebook describing the detailed application process has been developed with opportunities for public comment. The draft Guidebook also describes processes for objections to applications. There has been detailed technical scrutiny to ensure the Internet’s stability and security. There is an evaluation fee to recover costs only.

ICANN is a not for profit corporation dedicated to coordinating the Internet’s addressing system. Promoting competition and choice is one of the principles upon which ICANN was founded. In a world with 1.5 billion Internet users (and growing), diversity, choice and innovation are key. The Internet has supported huge increases in choice, innovation and the competition of ideas and expanding new gTLDs is an opportunity for more.

This ICANN announcement was sourced from: