New domain proposals must learn from .eu – the success or otherwise of .eu

A year on from its inception in April 2006, there are now over 2.5m .eu domain names, and there are a few takes on its success or otherwise. Some stories such as in CNet note .eu is now the Europe’s third most popular TLD and the seventh most popular globally, with a 17 percent increase in registrations in the past five months. Germany, followed by Britain and The Netherlands have been responsible for the most registrations. Other stories such as in IT Week note some experts have claimed actions of domain name speculators may have scared off potential customers and restricted growth when Eurid was forced to suspend 74,000 domain names and sue 400 registrars for breach of contract. Another IT Week story, comments that there are very few .eu domain names in actual use, with most redirecting to another domain name such as a .com or other ccTLD one. This IT Week story claims “while few organisations desire a European identity, many might welcome a suitable industry-specific domain with strictly enforced eligibility requirements, along the lines of the current .aero. A .bank domain is also mentioned.

The success or otherwise of .eu
A year on from its inception in April 2006, there are now over 2.5m .eu domain names, and there are a few takes on its success or otherwise. Some stories such as in CNet note .eu is now the Europe’s third most popular TLD and the seventh most popular globally, with a 17 percent increase in registrations in the past five months. Germany, followed by Britain and The Netherlands have been responsible for the most registrations.Other stories such as in IT Week note some experts have claimed actions of domain name speculators may have scared off potential customers and restricted growth when Eurid was forced to suspend 74,000 domain names and sue 400 registrars for breach of contract. Another IT Week story, comments that there are very few .eu domain names in actual use, with most redirecting to another domain name such as a .com or other ccTLD one. This IT Week story claims “while few organisations desire a European identity, many might welcome a suitable industry-specific domain with strictly enforced eligibility requirements, along the lines of the current .aero. A .bank domain is also mentioned.

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