Netfleet Reports .AU Domain Trading Market Develops Slowly

netfleet logoOne year on from auDA, the Australian Domain Name Administrator, allowing the transfer of .au domain names for any reason, the local market has been rather slow to develop. But a market has developed nonetheless

netfleet logoOne year on from auDA, the Australian Domain Name Administrator, allowing the transfer of .au domain names for any reason, the local market has been rather slow to develop. But a market has developed nonetheless.

Netfleet, a domain name trading website for .au domain names, have announced that in this period they have reached 30,000 domain names being listed for sale with more than 1,500 offers being made and approximately 105 domains actually changing hands even though most people are probably unaware of the changes to policy. Despite this, Netfleet’s experience has been that activity is gradually picking up.

As knowledge of the market spreads, sales have been gaining some momentum despite the global financial crisis. A highlight is the sale in the last month of for $13,500 – the highest Netfleet sale for 2009 and the highest ever sale.

Over the last 12 months, other notable Netfleet sales have included for $18,700, for $14,767 and for $14,300.

While by no means reaching the heights of sales in generic Top Level Domains such as .com and .org or country code Top Level Domains such as .uk and .de, the .au market is slowly growing.

It should also be noted that any purchaser or registrant of a .au name needs to meet the .au eligibility requirements, meaning the market down under will generally be smaller than many others.

Asia Registry logoTo register your .au domain name, check out Asia Registry here.

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